Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships
Bodenmann G, Meuwly N, Germann J, Nussbeck FW, Heinrichs M, Bradbury TN (2015)
Psychological Science 26(10): 1584-1594.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Bodenmann, G.;
Meuwly, N.;
Germann, J.;
Nussbeck, Fridtjof W.UniBi
Heinrichs, M.;
Bradbury, T. N.

Psychological Science
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Bodenmann G, Meuwly N, Germann J, Nussbeck FW, Heinrichs M, Bradbury TN. Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships. Psychological Science. 2015;26(10):1584-1594.
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., Germann, J., Nussbeck, F. W., Heinrichs, M., & Bradbury, T. N. (2015). Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships. Psychological Science, 26(10), 1584-1594. doi:10.1177/0956797615594616
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., Germann, J., Nussbeck, Fridtjof W., Heinrichs, M., and Bradbury, T. N. 2015. “Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships”. Psychological Science 26 (10): 1584-1594.
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., Germann, J., Nussbeck, F. W., Heinrichs, M., and Bradbury, T. N. (2015). Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships. Psychological Science 26, 1584-1594.
Bodenmann, G., et al., 2015. Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships. Psychological Science, 26(10), p 1584-1594.
G. Bodenmann, et al., “Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships”, Psychological Science, vol. 26, 2015, pp. 1584-1594.
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., Germann, J., Nussbeck, F.W., Heinrichs, M., Bradbury, T.N.: Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships. Psychological Science. 26, 1584-1594 (2015).
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., Germann, J., Nussbeck, Fridtjof W., Heinrichs, M., and Bradbury, T. N. “Effects of Stress on the Social Support Provided by Men and Women in Intimate Relationships”. Psychological Science 26.10 (2015): 1584-1594.
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10 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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