Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal

Martini MC, Albicoro FJ, Nour E, Schlüter A, van Elsas JD, Springael D, Smalla K, Pistorio M, Lagares A, Florencia Del Papa M (2015)
Plasmid 80(Special Issue S1): 16-23.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Martini, Maria Carla; Albicoro, Francisco Javier; Nour, Eman; Schlüter, AndreasUniBi ; van Elsas, Jan Dirk; Springael, Dirk; Smalla, Kornelia; Pistorio, Mariano; Lagares, Antonio; Florencia Del Papa, Maria
Abstract / Bemerkung
Biopurification systems (BPS) are complex soil-related and artificially-generated environments usually designed for the removal of toxic compounds from contaminated wastewaters. The present study has been conducted to isolate and characterize a collection of cultivable plasmid-carrying bacterial isolates recovered from a BPS established for the decontamination of wastewater generated in a farmyard. Out of 1400 isolates, a collection of 75 plasmid-containing bacteria was obtained, of which 35 representative isolates comprising in total at least 50 plasmids were chosen for further characterization. Bacterial hosts were taxonomically assigned by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing and phenotypically characterized according to their ability to grow in presence of different antibiotics and heavy metals. The study demonstrated that a high proportion of the isolates was tolerant to antibiotics and/or heavy metals, highlighting the on-farm BPS enrichment in such genetic traits. Several plasmids conferring such resistances in the bacterial collection were detected to be either mobilizable or selftransmissible. Occurrence of broad host range plasmids of the incompatibility groups IncP, IncQ IncN and IncW was examined with positive results only for the first group. Presence of the IS1071 insertion sequence, frequently associated with xenobiotics degradation genes, was detected in DNA obtained from 24 of these isolates, strongly suggesting the presence of yet-hidden catabolic activities in the collection of isolates. The results showed a remarkable diversity in the plasmid mobilome of cultivable bacteria in the BPS with the presence of abundant resistance markers of different types, thus providing a suitable environment to investigate the genetic structure of the mobile genetic pool in a model on-farm biofilter for wastewater decontamination in intensive agricultural production. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pesticide; Plasmid; Mobile genetic element; Biopurification system
Special Issue S1
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Martini MC, Albicoro FJ, Nour E, et al. Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal. Plasmid. 2015;80(Special Issue S1):16-23.
Martini, M. C., Albicoro, F. J., Nour, E., Schlüter, A., van Elsas, J. D., Springael, D., Smalla, K., et al. (2015). Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal. Plasmid, 80(Special Issue S1), 16-23. doi:10.1016/j.plasmid.2015.05.001
Martini, Maria Carla, Albicoro, Francisco Javier, Nour, Eman, Schlüter, Andreas, van Elsas, Jan Dirk, Springael, Dirk, Smalla, Kornelia, Pistorio, Mariano, Lagares, Antonio, and Florencia Del Papa, Maria. 2015. “Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal”. Plasmid 80 (Special Issue S1): 16-23.
Martini, M. C., Albicoro, F. J., Nour, E., Schlüter, A., van Elsas, J. D., Springael, D., Smalla, K., Pistorio, M., Lagares, A., and Florencia Del Papa, M. (2015). Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal. Plasmid 80, 16-23.
Martini, M.C., et al., 2015. Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal. Plasmid, 80(Special Issue S1), p 16-23.
M.C. Martini, et al., “Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal”, Plasmid, vol. 80, 2015, pp. 16-23.
Martini, M.C., Albicoro, F.J., Nour, E., Schlüter, A., van Elsas, J.D., Springael, D., Smalla, K., Pistorio, M., Lagares, A., Florencia Del Papa, M.: Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal. Plasmid. 80, 16-23 (2015).
Martini, Maria Carla, Albicoro, Francisco Javier, Nour, Eman, Schlüter, Andreas, van Elsas, Jan Dirk, Springael, Dirk, Smalla, Kornelia, Pistorio, Mariano, Lagares, Antonio, and Florencia Del Papa, Maria. “Characterization of a collection of plasmid-containing bacteria isolated from an on-farm biopurification system used for pesticide removal”. Plasmid 80.Special Issue S1 (2015): 16-23.

5 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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