Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders

Schwabe M, Reuber M, Schöndienst M, Gülich E (2008)
Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society 5(1): 59-72.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schwabe, Meike; Reuber, Markus; Schöndienst, Martin; Gülich, ElisabethUniBi
Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society
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Schwabe M, Reuber M, Schöndienst M, Gülich E. Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society. 2008;5(1):59-72.
Schwabe, M., Reuber, M., Schöndienst, M., & Gülich, E. (2008). Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society, 5(1), 59-72.
Schwabe, Meike, Reuber, Markus, Schöndienst, Martin, and Gülich, Elisabeth. 2008. “Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders”. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society 5 (1): 59-72.
Schwabe, M., Reuber, M., Schöndienst, M., and Gülich, E. (2008). Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society 5, 59-72.
Schwabe, M., et al., 2008. Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society, 5(1), p 59-72.
M. Schwabe, et al., “Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders”, Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society, vol. 5, 2008, pp. 59-72.
Schwabe, M., Reuber, M., Schöndienst, M., Gülich, E.: Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society. 5, 59-72 (2008).
Schwabe, Meike, Reuber, Markus, Schöndienst, Martin, and Gülich, Elisabeth. “Listening to people with seizures: How can linguistic analysis help in the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders”. Communication & medicine : an interdisciplinary journal of healthcare, ethics & society 5.1 (2008): 59-72.

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