Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking
Guerra E, Knoeferle P (2014)
Cognition 133(3): 535-552.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Guerra E, Knoeferle P. Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognition. 2014;133(3):535-552.
Guerra, E., & Knoeferle, P. (2014). Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognition, 133(3), 535-552. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.07.007
Guerra, Ernesto, and Knoeferle, Pia. 2014. “Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking”. Cognition 133 (3): 535-552.
Guerra, E., and Knoeferle, P. (2014). Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognition 133, 535-552.
Guerra, E., & Knoeferle, P., 2014. Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognition, 133(3), p 535-552.
E. Guerra and P. Knoeferle, “Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking”, Cognition, vol. 133, 2014, pp. 535-552.
Guerra, E., Knoeferle, P.: Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognition. 133, 535-552 (2014).
Guerra, Ernesto, and Knoeferle, Pia. “Spatial distance effects on incremental semantic interpretation of abstract sentences: Evidence from eye tracking”. Cognition 133.3 (2014): 535-552.
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