Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space

Renner P, Pfeiffer T, Wachsmuth S (2014)
Cognitive Processing 15(1 Supplement): 59-60.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Human-robot interaction in shared spaces might benefit from human skills of anticipating movements. We observed human-human interactions in a route planning scenario to identify relevant communication strategies with a focus on hand-eye coordination.
gestureseye trackingrobotics
Cognitive Processing
1 Supplement
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Renner P, Pfeiffer T, Wachsmuth S. Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space. Cognitive Processing. 2014;15(1 Supplement):59-60.
Renner, P., Pfeiffer, T., & Wachsmuth, S. (2014). Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space. Cognitive Processing, 15(1 Supplement), 59-60.
Renner, Patrick, Pfeiffer, Thies, and Wachsmuth, Sven. 2014. “Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space”. Cognitive Processing 15 (1 Supplement): 59-60.
Renner, P., Pfeiffer, T., and Wachsmuth, S. (2014). Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space. Cognitive Processing 15, 59-60.
Renner, P., Pfeiffer, T., & Wachsmuth, S., 2014. Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space. Cognitive Processing, 15(1 Supplement), p 59-60.
P. Renner, T. Pfeiffer, and S. Wachsmuth, “Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space”, Cognitive Processing, vol. 15, 2014, pp. 59-60.
Renner, P., Pfeiffer, T., Wachsmuth, S.: Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space. Cognitive Processing. 15, 59-60 (2014).
Renner, Patrick, Pfeiffer, Thies, and Wachsmuth, Sven. “Towards a model for anticipating human gestures in human-robot interactions in shared space”. Cognitive Processing 15.1 Supplement (2014): 59-60.

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