Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world

Knoeferle P, Kreysa H (2011)
Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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AMLaP 2011
Paris, France
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Knoeferle P, Kreysa H. Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France.
Knoeferle, P., & Kreysa, H. (2011). Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France.
Knoeferle, Pia, and Kreysa, Helene. 2011. “Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world”. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France .
Knoeferle, P., and Kreysa, H. (2011).“Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world”. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France.
Knoeferle, P., & Kreysa, H., 2011. Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France.
P. Knoeferle and H. Kreysa, “Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world”, Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France, 2011.
Knoeferle, P., Kreysa, H.: Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France (2011).
Knoeferle, Pia, and Kreysa, Helene. “Effects of comprehension task and speaker gaze on listeners’ allocation of attention in the visual world”. Presented at the AMLaP 2011, Paris, France, 2011.

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