Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls

Weinzierl C, Kerkhoff G, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Stenneken P (2012)
Neuropsychologia 50(12): 2764-2772.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Weinzierl, ChristianeUniBi; Kerkhoff, Georg; van Eimeren, Lucia; Keller, Ingo; Stenneken, PriscaUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Unilateral spatial neglect frequently involves a lateralised reading disorder, neglect dyslexia (ND). Reading of single words in ND is characterised by left-sided omissions and substitutions of letters. However, it is unclear whether the distribution of error types and positions within a word shows a unique pattern of ND when directly compared to healthy controls. This question has been difficult to answer so far, given the usually low number of reading errors in healthy controls. Therefore, the present study compared single word reading of 18 patients with left-sided neglect, due to right-hemisphere stroke, and 11 age-matched healthy controls, and adjusted individual task difficulty (by varying stimulus presentation times in participants) in order to reach approximately equal error rates between neglect patients and controls. Results showed that, while both omission and substitution errors were frequently produced in neglect patients and controls, only omissions appeared neglect-specific when task difficulty was adapted between groups. Analyses of individual letter positions within words revealed that the spatial distribution of reading errors in the neglect dyslexic patients followed an almost linear increase from the end to the beginning of the word (right-to-left-gradient). Both, the gradient in error positions and the predominance of omission errors presented a neglect-specific pattern. Consistent with current models of visual word processing, these findings suggest that ND reflects sublexical, visuospatial attentional mechanisms in letter string encoding. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
attention; Neglect gradient; Reading; Neglect dyslexia; Error type; Spatial; Error position
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Weinzierl C, Kerkhoff G, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Stenneken P. Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia. 2012;50(12):2764-2772.
Weinzierl, C., Kerkhoff, G., van Eimeren, L., Keller, I., & Stenneken, P. (2012). Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), 2764-2772. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.08.007
Weinzierl, Christiane, Kerkhoff, Georg, van Eimeren, Lucia, Keller, Ingo, and Stenneken, Prisca. 2012. “Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls”. Neuropsychologia 50 (12): 2764-2772.
Weinzierl, C., Kerkhoff, G., van Eimeren, L., Keller, I., and Stenneken, P. (2012). Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia 50, 2764-2772.
Weinzierl, C., et al., 2012. Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), p 2764-2772.
C. Weinzierl, et al., “Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls”, Neuropsychologia, vol. 50, 2012, pp. 2764-2772.
Weinzierl, C., Kerkhoff, G., van Eimeren, L., Keller, I., Stenneken, P.: Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia. 50, 2764-2772 (2012).
Weinzierl, Christiane, Kerkhoff, Georg, van Eimeren, Lucia, Keller, Ingo, and Stenneken, Prisca. “Error types and error positions in neglect dyslexia: Comparative analyses in neglect patients and healthy controls”. Neuropsychologia 50.12 (2012): 2764-2772.

3 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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