Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe

Schmid K, Hewstone M, Küpper B, Zick A, Wagner U (2012)
Social Psychology Quarterly 75(1): 28-51.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schmid, Katharina; Hewstone, Miles; Küpper, BeateUniBi; Zick, AndreasUniBi; Wagner, UlrichUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
This article examines so-called secondary transfer effects of intergroup contact, a phenomenon whereby positive intergroup contact experiences can influence attitudes not only toward encountered (primary) outgroups but also toward other (secondary) outgroups that were not initially involved in the intergroup encounter. The current study relies on a unique cross-sectional sample of the general population drawn from eight European countries (N = 7,042) to examine the relationship between intergroup contact with immigrants and attitudes toward primary (immigrants) and secondary (homosexuals and Jews) outgroups. Results showed that intergroup contact was not only directly related with primary outgroup attitudes but also indirectly associated with secondary outgroup attitudes, via attitude generalization. These relationships occurred primarily for individuals low in social dominance orientation. Findings are discussed in terms of their contribution to understanding secondary transfer effects of contact as well as the role of social dominance orientation as a moderator of such effects.
Forschungsmethoden; Intergruppenkontakt; Sozialpsychologie; intergroup contact; social psychology; research methods
Social Psychology Quarterly
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Schmid K, Hewstone M, Küpper B, Zick A, Wagner U. Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe. Social Psychology Quarterly. 2012;75(1):28-51.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., & Wagner, U. (2012). Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe. Social Psychology Quarterly, 75(1), 28-51. doi:10.1177/0190272511430235
Schmid, Katharina, Hewstone, Miles, Küpper, Beate, Zick, Andreas, and Wagner, Ulrich. 2012. “Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe”. Social Psychology Quarterly 75 (1): 28-51.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., and Wagner, U. (2012). Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe. Social Psychology Quarterly 75, 28-51.
Schmid, K., et al., 2012. Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe. Social Psychology Quarterly, 75(1), p 28-51.
K. Schmid, et al., “Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe”, Social Psychology Quarterly, vol. 75, 2012, pp. 28-51.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., Wagner, U.: Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe. Social Psychology Quarterly. 75, 28-51 (2012).
Schmid, Katharina, Hewstone, Miles, Küpper, Beate, Zick, Andreas, and Wagner, Ulrich. “Secondary Transfer Effects of Intergroup Contact: A Cross-National Comparison in Europe”. Social Psychology Quarterly 75.1 (2012): 28-51.

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