Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032

Brune I, Götker S, Schneider J, Rodionov DA, Tauch A (2011)
Journal of Biotechnology 159(3): 225-234.

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Brune I, Götker S, Schneider J, Rodionov DA, Tauch A. Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. Journal of Biotechnology. 2011;159(3):225-234.
Brune, I., Götker, S., Schneider, J., Rodionov, D. A., & Tauch, A. (2011). Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. Journal of Biotechnology, 159(3), 225-234. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2011.12.001
Brune, Iris, Götker, Susanne, Schneider, Jessica, Rodionov, D.A., and Tauch, Andreas. 2011. “Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032”. Journal of Biotechnology 159 (3): 225-234.
Brune, I., Götker, S., Schneider, J., Rodionov, D. A., and Tauch, A. (2011). Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. Journal of Biotechnology 159, 225-234.
Brune, I., et al., 2011. Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. Journal of Biotechnology, 159(3), p 225-234.
I. Brune, et al., “Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 159, 2011, pp. 225-234.
Brune, I., Götker, S., Schneider, J., Rodionov, D.A., Tauch, A.: Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. Journal of Biotechnology. 159, 225-234 (2011).
Brune, Iris, Götker, Susanne, Schneider, Jessica, Rodionov, D.A., and Tauch, Andreas. “Negative transcriptional control of biotin metabolism genes by the TetR-type regulator BioQ in biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032”. Journal of Biotechnology 159.3 (2011): 225-234.

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