MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure

Bunkowski A, Bödeker B, Bader S, Westhoff M, Litterst P, Baumbach JI (2009)
Journal of Breath Research 3(4): 046001.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Bunkowski, AlexanderUniBi; Bödeker, Bertram; Bader, Stefan; Westhoff, Michael; Litterst, Patric; Baumbach, Jörg Ingo
Journal of Breath Research
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Bunkowski A, Bödeker B, Bader S, Westhoff M, Litterst P, Baumbach JI. MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure. Journal of Breath Research. 2009;3(4):046001.
Bunkowski, A., Bödeker, B., Bader, S., Westhoff, M., Litterst, P., & Baumbach, J. I. (2009). MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure. Journal of Breath Research, 3(4), 046001.
Bunkowski, Alexander, Bödeker, Bertram, Bader, Stefan, Westhoff, Michael, Litterst, Patric, and Baumbach, Jörg Ingo. 2009. “MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure”. Journal of Breath Research 3 (4): 046001.
Bunkowski, A., Bödeker, B., Bader, S., Westhoff, M., Litterst, P., and Baumbach, J. I. (2009). MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure. Journal of Breath Research 3, 046001.
Bunkowski, A., et al., 2009. MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure. Journal of Breath Research, 3(4), p 046001.
A. Bunkowski, et al., “MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure”, Journal of Breath Research, vol. 3, 2009, pp. 046001.
Bunkowski, A., Bödeker, B., Bader, S., Westhoff, M., Litterst, P., Baumbach, J.I.: MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure. Journal of Breath Research. 3, 046001 (2009).
Bunkowski, Alexander, Bödeker, Bertram, Bader, Stefan, Westhoff, Michael, Litterst, Patric, and Baumbach, Jörg Ingo. “MCC/IMS signals in human breath related to sarcoidosis-results of a feasibility study using an automated peak finding procedure”. Journal of Breath Research 3.4 (2009): 046001.

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