HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration

Buth H, Wolters B, Hartwig B, Meier-Bornheim R, Veith H, Hansen M, Sommerhoff CP, Schaschke N, Machleidt N, Fusenig NE, Boukamp P, et al. (2004)

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Buth, H; Wolters, B; Hartwig, B; Meier-Bornheim, R; Veith, H; Hansen, M; Sommerhoff, CP; Schaschke, NorbertUniBi; Machleidt, N; Fusenig, NE; Boukamp, P; Brix, K
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Buth H, Wolters B, Hartwig B, et al. HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY. 2004;83(11-12):781-795.
Buth, H., Wolters, B., Hartwig, B., Meier-Bornheim, R., Veith, H., Hansen, M., Sommerhoff, C. P., et al. (2004). HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY, 83(11-12), 781-795. https://doi.org/10.1078/0171-9335-00428
Buth, H, Wolters, B, Hartwig, B, Meier-Bornheim, R, Veith, H, Hansen, M, Sommerhoff, CP, et al. 2004. “HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration”. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 83 (11-12): 781-795.
Buth, H., Wolters, B., Hartwig, B., Meier-Bornheim, R., Veith, H., Hansen, M., Sommerhoff, C. P., Schaschke, N., Machleidt, N., Fusenig, N. E., et al. (2004). HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 83, 781-795.
Buth, H., et al., 2004. HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY, 83(11-12), p 781-795.
H. Buth, et al., “HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY, vol. 83, 2004, pp. 781-795.
Buth, H., Wolters, B., Hartwig, B., Meier-Bornheim, R., Veith, H., Hansen, M., Sommerhoff, C.P., Schaschke, N., Machleidt, N., Fusenig, N.E., Boukamp, P., Brix, K.: HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY. 83, 781-795 (2004).
Buth, H, Wolters, B, Hartwig, B, Meier-Bornheim, R, Veith, H, Hansen, M, Sommerhoff, CP, Schaschke, Norbert, Machleidt, N, Fusenig, NE, Boukamp, P, and Brix, K. “HaCaT keratinocytes secrete lysosomal cysteine proteinases during migration”. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 83.11-12 (2004): 781-795.

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