Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract)

Sommer B, Dingersen T, Gamroth C, Heissmann AJ, Lukat G, Rotzoll R, Rubert S, Schäfer A, Krüger J (2011)
In: Journal of Cheminformatics. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(Suppl 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Sommer, BjörnUniBi; Dingersen, T.; Gamroth, C.; Heissmann, A. J.; Lukat, G.; Rotzoll, R.; Rubert, S.; Schäfer, A.; Krüger, J.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Journal of Cheminformatics
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Journal of Cheminformatics
Suppl 1
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Sommer B, Dingersen T, Gamroth C, et al. Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract). In: Journal of Cheminformatics. Journal of Cheminformatics. Vol 3. Springer Science and Business Media LLC; 2011.
Sommer, B., Dingersen, T., Gamroth, C., Heissmann, A. J., Lukat, G., Rotzoll, R., Rubert, S., et al. (2011). Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract). Journal of Cheminformatics, Journal of Cheminformatics, 3 Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
Sommer, Björn, Dingersen, T., Gamroth, C., Heissmann, A. J., Lukat, G., Rotzoll, R., Rubert, S., Schäfer, A., and Krüger, J. 2011. “Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract)”. In Journal of Cheminformatics. Vol. 3. Journal of Cheminformatics. Springer Science and Business Media LLC: P43.
Sommer, B., Dingersen, T., Gamroth, C., Heissmann, A. J., Lukat, G., Rotzoll, R., Rubert, S., Schäfer, A., and Krüger, J. (2011). “Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract)” in Journal of Cheminformatics Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 3, (Springer Science and Business Media LLC).
Sommer, B., et al., 2011. Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract). In Journal of Cheminformatics. Journal of Cheminformatics. no.3 Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
B. Sommer, et al., “Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract)”, Journal of Cheminformatics, Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 3, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2011.
Sommer, B., Dingersen, T., Gamroth, C., Heissmann, A.J., Lukat, G., Rotzoll, R., Rubert, S., Schäfer, A., Krüger, J.: Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract). Journal of Cheminformatics. Journal of Cheminformatics. 3, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2011).
Sommer, Björn, Dingersen, T., Gamroth, C., Heissmann, A. J., Lukat, G., Rotzoll, R., Rubert, S., Schäfer, A., and Krüger, J. “Coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations with Gromacs based on CELLmicrocosmos 2.2 model membranes (Conference Abstract)”. Journal of Cheminformatics. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2011.Vol. 3. Journal of Cheminformatics.

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