Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density
Döring M (2006)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Döring, Matthias
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Karsch, Frithjof (Prof. Dr.)
Alternativer Titel
Abschirmung schwerer Quarks und Hadronen bei endlicher Temperatur und Dichte
Abstract / Bemerkung
Schwere Quarks und Hadronen werden in einem thermischen und baryon-chemischen Medium abgeschirmt. Ich berechne die freien Energien schwerer Quarks und Antiquarks und Hadron-Korrelationsfunktionen auf einem 16^3x4 Gitter in 2-Flavour QCD mit einer nackten Quarkmasse von m/T=0.4. Die Abstandsabhängigkeit der Teilchen bestimmt die Abschirmmasse bei endlicher Temperatur und Dichte. Für das baryon-chemische Potential wird die Taylor-Entwicklungsmethode benutzt. Die Abschirmmassen schwerer Quarks zeigen sich in guter Übereinstimmung mit der Störungstheorie für Temperaturen T>2T_c. Die Hadron-Abschirmmassen sind konsistent mit der freien Quark-Propagation im Bereich hoher Temperaturen.
Heavy quarks and hadrons placed in a strongly interacting thermal and baryon chemical quantum field are screened by the medium. I calculate the free energies of heavy quarks and anti-quarks and hadron correlation functions on a 16^3x4 lattice in 2-flavour QCD with a bare quark mass of m/T=0.4. The dependence on the interparticle distance determines the screening masses as a function of temperature and density. The Taylor expansion method is used for the baryon chemical potential. The heavy quark screening masses turn out to be in good agreement with perturbation theory for temperatures T>2T_c. The hadron screening masses are consistent with the free quark propagation in the large temperature regime.
Heavy quarks and hadrons placed in a strongly interacting thermal and baryon chemical quantum field are screened by the medium. I calculate the free energies of heavy quarks and anti-quarks and hadron correlation functions on a 16^3x4 lattice in 2-flavour QCD with a bare quark mass of m/T=0.4. The dependence on the interparticle distance determines the screening masses as a function of temperature and density. The Taylor expansion method is used for the baryon chemical potential. The heavy quark screening masses turn out to be in good agreement with perturbation theory for temperatures T>2T_c. The hadron screening masses are consistent with the free quark propagation in the large temperature regime.
Gittereichtheorie , Schweres Quark , Hadron , Abschirmung , Debye-Abschirmung , Endliche Temperatur , Dichte (Physik) , Quark-Gluon-Plasma , Baryon-chemisches Potential , Abschirmmasse , Debye-Masse , Freie Energie , Baryon chemical potential , Screening mass , Debye mass
Page URI
Döring M. Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2006.
Döring, M. (2006). Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Döring, Matthias. 2006. Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Döring, M. (2006). Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Döring, M., 2006. Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
M. Döring, Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2006.
Döring, M.: Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2006).
Döring, Matthias. Screening of heavy quarks and hadrons at finite temperature and density. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2006.
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