Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation
Fischer J-P (2009)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder Masterarbeit | Englisch
Fischer, Jens-Peter
Abstract / Bemerkung
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der Bewertung der sogenannten "Sonstigen Leistungen" in der Schule. Obwohl diese Bewertung im Schulrecht verankert ist, existieren zu diesem Gebiet bisher weder systematische Theorien noch wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden eine Reihe von Gütekriterien für solche Methoden erstellt, die sich grob in die Kategorien der schulgesetzlichen Vorgaben, der Motivationsfaktoren, wobei sowohl Schülermotivation als auch Lehrermotivation berücksichtigt werden, und der Vorgaben zur wissenschaftlichen Beobachtung und Erfassung aufteilen. Der zweite Teil behandelt eine empirische Studie, die unter Lehrern durchgeführt wurde und die Umsetzbarkeit dieser Gütekriterien überprüft.
The thesis deals with the topic of the assessment of in-class participation in German schools. The term "in-class participation" here designates all student assessment that is carried out as part of the teaching itself, as opposed to exams that are taken after a series of lessons is completed. While the assessment of in-class participation is mandatory in wide parts of Germany, so far there are no systematic theories or scientifically developed methods of carrying out the assessment. The first part of the thesis develops quality criteria for such methods, distinguishing as three categories of criteria specifications educational legislature, student and teacher motivation and scientific requirements of the assessment process. The second section deals with a study that was conducted as part of the thesis and that tests the feasibility of the criteria compiled in the first section.
The thesis deals with the topic of the assessment of in-class participation in German schools. The term "in-class participation" here designates all student assessment that is carried out as part of the teaching itself, as opposed to exams that are taken after a series of lessons is completed. While the assessment of in-class participation is mandatory in wide parts of Germany, so far there are no systematic theories or scientifically developed methods of carrying out the assessment. The first part of the thesis develops quality criteria for such methods, distinguishing as three categories of criteria specifications educational legislature, student and teacher motivation and scientific requirements of the assessment process. The second section deals with a study that was conducted as part of the thesis and that tests the feasibility of the criteria compiled in the first section.
Foreign language teaching;
Sonstige Leistungen im Unterricht;
In-class participation;
Page URI
Fischer J-P. Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2009.
Fischer, J. - P. (2009). Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Fischer, Jens-Peter. 2009. Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Fischer, J. - P. (2009). Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Fischer, J.-P., 2009. Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
J.-P. Fischer, Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2009.
Fischer, J.-P.: Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2009).
Fischer, Jens-Peter. Just, systematic but still motivating? : Towards a method of assessing in-class participation. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2009.
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