Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection
Babies B, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M, Möller R (2011)
Sensors 11(12): 3303-3326.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
Optic flow, i.e., retinal image movement resulting from ego-motion, is a crucial source of information used for obstacle avoidance and course control in flying insects. Optic flow analysis may prove promising for mobile robotics although it is currently not among the standard techniques. Insects have developed a computationally cheap analysis mechanism for image motion. Detailed computational models, the so-called elementary motion detectors (EMDs), describe motion detection in insects. However, the technical application of EMDs is complicated by the strong effect of local pattern contrast on their motion response. Here we present augmented versions of an EMD, the (s)cc-EMDs, which normalise their responses for contrast and there by reduce the sensitivity to contrast changes. Thus, velocity changes of moving natural images are reflected more reliably in the detect or response. The (s)cc-EMDs can easily be implemented in hardware and software and can be a valuable novel visual motion sensor for mobile robots.
image motion;
motion detection;
image contrast;
natural images;
Page URI
Babies B, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M, Möller R. Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection. Sensors. 2011;11(12):3303-3326.
Babies, B., Lindemann, J. P., Egelhaaf, M., & Möller, R. (2011). Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection. Sensors, 11(12), 3303-3326.
Babies, Birthe, Lindemann, Jens Peter, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Möller, Ralf. 2011. “Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection”. Sensors 11 (12): 3303-3326.
Babies, B., Lindemann, J. P., Egelhaaf, M., and Möller, R. (2011). Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection. Sensors 11, 3303-3326.
Babies, B., et al., 2011. Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection. Sensors, 11(12), p 3303-3326.
B. Babies, et al., “Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection”, Sensors, vol. 11, 2011, pp. 3303-3326.
Babies, B., Lindemann, J.P., Egelhaaf, M., Möller, R.: Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection. Sensors. 11, 3303-3326 (2011).
Babies, Birthe, Lindemann, Jens Peter, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Möller, Ralf. “Contrast-Independent Biologically Inspired Motion Detection”. Sensors 11.12 (2011): 3303-3326.
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4 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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