The Discipline of Interactive Sonification
Hermann T, Hunt A (2004)
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification. Hermann T, Hunt A (Eds); Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Hermann, ThomasUniBi
Hunt, Andy

Hermann, Thomas;
Hunt, Andy
Abstract / Bemerkung
This paper argues for a special focus on the use of dynamic human interaction to explore datasets while they are being transformed into sound. We describe why this is a special case of both human computer interaction (HCI) techniques and sonification methods. Humans are adapted for interacting with their physical environment and making continuous use of all their senses. When this exploratory interaction is applied to a dataset (by continuously controlling its transformation into sound) new insights are gained into the data's macro and micro-structure, which are not obvious in a visual rendering. This paper defines the sub-topic of Interactive Sonification, explains how a certain quality of interaction is required, overviews current sonification techniques, provides examples of the techniques being applied interactively, and outlines a research agenda for this topic.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification
ISon 2004
Page URI
Hermann T, Hunt A. The Discipline of Interactive Sonification. In: Hermann T, Hunt A, eds. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification. Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community; 2004.
Hermann, T., & Hunt, A. (2004). The Discipline of Interactive Sonification. In T. Hermann & A. Hunt (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community.
Hermann, Thomas, and Hunt, Andy. 2004. “The Discipline of Interactive Sonification”. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification, ed. Thomas Hermann and Andy Hunt. Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community.
Hermann, T., and Hunt, A. (2004). “The Discipline of Interactive Sonification” in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification, Hermann, T., and Hunt, A. eds. (Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community).
Hermann, T., & Hunt, A., 2004. The Discipline of Interactive Sonification. In T. Hermann & A. Hunt, eds. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification. Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community.
T. Hermann and A. Hunt, “The Discipline of Interactive Sonification”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification, T. Hermann and A. Hunt, eds., Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community, 2004.
Hermann, T., Hunt, A.: The Discipline of Interactive Sonification. In: Hermann, T. and Hunt, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification. Interactive Sonification Community, Bielefeld, Germany (2004).
Hermann, Thomas, and Hunt, Andy. “The Discipline of Interactive Sonification”. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interactive Sonification. Ed. Thomas Hermann and Andy Hunt. Bielefeld, Germany: Interactive Sonification Community, 2004.
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