Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge
Mitterer H, de Ruiter J (2008)
Psychological Science 19(7): 629-634.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Mitterer, H.;
de Ruiter, JanUniBi
Psychological Science
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Mitterer H, de Ruiter J. Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science. 2008;19(7):629-634.
Mitterer, H., & de Ruiter, J. (2008). Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science, 19(7), 629-634.
Mitterer, H., and de Ruiter, Jan. 2008. “Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge”. Psychological Science 19 (7): 629-634.
Mitterer, H., and de Ruiter, J. (2008). Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science 19, 629-634.
Mitterer, H., & de Ruiter, J., 2008. Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science, 19(7), p 629-634.
H. Mitterer and J. de Ruiter, “Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge”, Psychological Science, vol. 19, 2008, pp. 629-634.
Mitterer, H., de Ruiter, J.: Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science. 19, 629-634 (2008).
Mitterer, H., and de Ruiter, Jan. “Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge”. Psychological Science 19.7 (2008): 629-634.
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