The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries
Haupt H-G (2004)
In: The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries. Kaelble H (Ed); New York, NY : Berghahn Books: 161-185.
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Kaelble, Hartmut
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Schule für Historische Forschung
SFB 584 Das Politische als Kommunikationsraum in der Geschichte
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Sozialgeschichte
SFB 584 Das Politische als Kommunikationsraum in der Geschichte
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Sozialgeschichte
The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries
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Haupt H-G. The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries. In: Kaelble H, ed. The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries. New York, NY : Berghahn Books; 2004: 161-185.
Haupt, H. - G. (2004). The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries. In H. Kaelble (Ed.), The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries (pp. 161-185). New York, NY : Berghahn Books.
Haupt, Heinz-Gerhard. 2004. “The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries”. In The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries, ed. Hartmut Kaelble, 161-185. New York, NY : Berghahn Books.
Haupt, H. - G. (2004). “The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries” in The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries, Kaelble, H. ed. (New York, NY : Berghahn Books), 161-185.
Haupt, H.-G., 2004. The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries. In H. Kaelble, ed. The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries. New York, NY : Berghahn Books, pp. 161-185.
H.-G. Haupt, “The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries”, The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries, H. Kaelble, ed., New York, NY : Berghahn Books, 2004, pp.161-185.
Haupt, H.-G.: The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries. In: Kaelble, H. (ed.) The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries. p. 161-185. Berghahn Books, New York, NY (2004).
Haupt, Heinz-Gerhard. “The History of Consumption in Western Europe in the Ninetheenth and twentieth Centuries”. The European Way. European Societies in the 19th and 20 th Centuries. Ed. Hartmut Kaelble. New York, NY : Berghahn Books, 2004. 161-185.