A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability

Wöhler N, Großekathöfer U, Dierker A, Hanheide M, Kopp S, Hermann T (2010)
In: International Conference on Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society: 3814-3817.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 749.09 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper, we present a calibration-free head gesture recognition system using a motion-sensor-based approach. For data acquisition we conducted a comprehensive study with 10 subjects. We analyzed the resulting head movement data with regard to separability and transferability to new subjects. Ordered means models (OMMs) were used for classification since they provide an easy-to-use, fast, and stable approach to machine learning of time series. In result, we achieved classification rates of 85% - 95% for nodding, head shaking and tilting head gestures and good transferability. Finally, we show first promising attempts towards online recognition.
recognition; ordered means models; head gestures; calibration-free; motion-sensor-based
Titel des Konferenzbandes
International Conference on Pattern Recognition
International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Istanbul, Turkey
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Wöhler N, Großekathöfer U, Dierker A, Hanheide M, Kopp S, Hermann T. A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability. In: International Conference on Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society; 2010: 3814-3817.
Wöhler, N., Großekathöfer, U., Dierker, A., Hanheide, M., Kopp, S., & Hermann, T. (2010). A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3814-3817. IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPR.2010.92
Wöhler, Nils, Großekathöfer, Ulf, Dierker, Angelika, Hanheide, Marc, Kopp, Stefan, and Hermann, Thomas. 2010. “A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability”. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3814-3817. IEEE Computer Society.
Wöhler, N., Großekathöfer, U., Dierker, A., Hanheide, M., Kopp, S., and Hermann, T. (2010). “A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability” in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IEEE Computer Society), 3814-3817.
Wöhler, N., et al., 2010. A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 3814-3817.
N. Wöhler, et al., “A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, pp.3814-3817.
Wöhler, N., Großekathöfer, U., Dierker, A., Hanheide, M., Kopp, S., Hermann, T.: A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability. International Conference on Pattern Recognition. p. 3814-3817. IEEE Computer Society (2010).
Wöhler, Nils, Großekathöfer, Ulf, Dierker, Angelika, Hanheide, Marc, Kopp, Stefan, and Hermann, Thomas. “A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability”. International Conference on Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society, 2010. 3814-3817.
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Supplementary Material for "A calibration-free head gesture recognition system with online capability"
Wöhler N, Großekathöfer U, Dierker A, Hanheide M, Kopp S, Hermann T (2010)
Bielefeld University.

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