Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps

Kaper M, Saalbach A, Finke A, Müller HM, Weiss S, Ritter H (2005)
In: Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan.

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Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan
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Kaper M, Saalbach A, Finke A, Müller HM, Weiss S, Ritter H. Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps. In: Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan. 2005.
Kaper, M., Saalbach, A., Finke, A., Müller, H. M., Weiss, S., & Ritter, H. (2005). Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps. Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan
Kaper, Matthias, Saalbach, Axel, Finke, Andrea, Müller, Horst M., Weiss, Sabine, and Ritter, Helge. 2005. “Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps”. In Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan.
Kaper, M., Saalbach, A., Finke, A., Müller, H. M., Weiss, S., and Ritter, H. (2005). “Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps” in Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan.
Kaper, M., et al., 2005. Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps. In Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan.
M. Kaper, et al., “Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps”, Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.
Kaper, M., Saalbach, A., Finke, A., Müller, H.M., Weiss, S., Ritter, H.: Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps. Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan. (2005).
Kaper, Matthias, Saalbach, Axel, Finke, Andrea, Müller, Horst M., Weiss, Sabine, and Ritter, Helge. “Exploratory Data Analysis of EEG Coherence using Self-Organizing Maps”. Proceedings of the 12th Int.Conference of Neural Information Processing,Taipei, Taiwan. 2005.

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