Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model
Apel J, Knoeferle P, Crocker MW (2007)
In: Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference. Vosniadou S, Kayser D, Protopapas A (Eds); Great Britain: Taylor and Francis: 125-131.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Apel, J.;
Knoeferle, PiaUniBi;
Crocker, M. W.
Vosniadou, S.;
Kayser, D.;
Protopapas, A.
Abstract / Bemerkung
The parallelism effect in human parsing is a phenomenon in which the second constituent of a coordinate structure is processed faster when it parallels the first constituent in comparison with when it does not parallel the first constituent. The main aim of this paper is to investigate whether the parallelism effect, which was first discovered in ambiguous coordinate structures, also occurs in non-coordinate constructions, and in structurally unambiguous sentences. The motivation for investigating these two issues was to determine the extent of, and the mechanisms underlying parallelism effects, with the goal of informing the development of a computational model. Two eye-tracking studies of German showed that parallelism effects are obtained in unambiguous sentences, and strongly suggest that the effect is restricted to coordinate structures. Additionally, the parallelism effect is shown to be sensitive to the fine-grained parts-of-speech of the parallel constituents. Based on these findings, we present a computational system that is able to model our effects, and is consistent with other prevailing results.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference
Page URI
Apel J, Knoeferle P, Crocker MW. Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model. In: Vosniadou S, Kayser D, Protopapas A, eds. Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference. Great Britain: Taylor and Francis; 2007: 125-131.
Apel, J., Knoeferle, P., & Crocker, M. W. (2007). Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model. In S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser, & A. Protopapas (Eds.), Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference (pp. 125-131). Great Britain: Taylor and Francis.
Apel, J., Knoeferle, Pia, and Crocker, M. W. 2007. “Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model”. In Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference, ed. S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser, and A. Protopapas, 125-131. Great Britain: Taylor and Francis.
Apel, J., Knoeferle, P., and Crocker, M. W. (2007). “Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model” in Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference, Vosniadou, S., Kayser, D., and Protopapas, A. eds. (Great Britain: Taylor and Francis), 125-131.
Apel, J., Knoeferle, P., & Crocker, M.W., 2007. Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model. In S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser, & A. Protopapas, eds. Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference. Great Britain: Taylor and Francis, pp. 125-131.
J. Apel, P. Knoeferle, and M.W. Crocker, “Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model”, Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference, S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser, and A. Protopapas, eds., Great Britain: Taylor and Francis, 2007, pp.125-131.
Apel, J., Knoeferle, P., Crocker, M.W.: Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model. In: Vosniadou, S., Kayser, D., and Protopapas, A. (eds.) Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference. p. 125-131. Taylor and Francis, Great Britain (2007).
Apel, J., Knoeferle, Pia, and Crocker, M. W. “Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model”. Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference. Ed. S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser, and A. Protopapas. Great Britain: Taylor and Francis, 2007. 125-131.
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