Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency

Lübke T, Marquardt T, Etzioni A, Hartmann E, von Figura K, Körner C (2001)
Nature Genetics 28(1): 73-76.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Lübke, TorbenUniBi ; Marquardt, Thorsten; Etzioni, Amos; Hartmann, Enno; von Figura, Kurt; Körner, Christian
Nature Genetics
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Lübke T, Marquardt T, Etzioni A, Hartmann E, von Figura K, Körner C. Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency. Nature Genetics. 2001;28(1):73-76.
Lübke, T., Marquardt, T., Etzioni, A., Hartmann, E., von Figura, K., & Körner, C. (2001). Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency. Nature Genetics, 28(1), 73-76.
Lübke, Torben, Marquardt, Thorsten, Etzioni, Amos, Hartmann, Enno, von Figura, Kurt, and Körner, Christian. 2001. “Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency”. Nature Genetics 28 (1): 73-76.
Lübke, T., Marquardt, T., Etzioni, A., Hartmann, E., von Figura, K., and Körner, C. (2001). Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency. Nature Genetics 28, 73-76.
Lübke, T., et al., 2001. Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency. Nature Genetics, 28(1), p 73-76.
T. Lübke, et al., “Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency”, Nature Genetics, vol. 28, 2001, pp. 73-76.
Lübke, T., Marquardt, T., Etzioni, A., Hartmann, E., von Figura, K., Körner, C.: Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency. Nature Genetics. 28, 73-76 (2001).
Lübke, Torben, Marquardt, Thorsten, Etzioni, Amos, Hartmann, Enno, von Figura, Kurt, and Körner, Christian. “Complementation cloning identifies CDG-IIc, a new type of congenital disorders of glycosylation, as a GDP-fucose transporter deficiency”. Nature Genetics 28.1 (2001): 73-76.

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