Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease

Kollmann K, Pohl S, Marschner K, Encarnacao M, Sakwa I, Tiede S, Poorthuis BJ, Lübke T, Müller-Loennies S, Storch S, Braulke T (2010)
European Journal of Cell Biology 89(1): 117-123.

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Kollmann, Katrin; Pohl, Sandra; Marschner, Katrin; Encarnacao, Marisa; Sakwa, Imme; Tiede, Stephan; Poorthuis, Ben J.; Lübke, TorbenUniBi ; Müller-Loennies, Sven; Storch, Stephan; Braulke, Thomas
European Journal of Cell Biology
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Kollmann K, Pohl S, Marschner K, et al. Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease. European Journal of Cell Biology. 2010;89(1):117-123.
Kollmann, K., Pohl, S., Marschner, K., Encarnacao, M., Sakwa, I., Tiede, S., Poorthuis, B. J., et al. (2010). Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89(1), 117-123.
Kollmann, Katrin, Pohl, Sandra, Marschner, Katrin, Encarnacao, Marisa, Sakwa, Imme, Tiede, Stephan, Poorthuis, Ben J., et al. 2010. “Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease”. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (1): 117-123.
Kollmann, K., Pohl, S., Marschner, K., Encarnacao, M., Sakwa, I., Tiede, S., Poorthuis, B. J., Lübke, T., Müller-Loennies, S., Storch, S., et al. (2010). Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease. European Journal of Cell Biology 89, 117-123.
Kollmann, K., et al., 2010. Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89(1), p 117-123.
K. Kollmann, et al., “Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease”, European Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 89, 2010, pp. 117-123.
Kollmann, K., Pohl, S., Marschner, K., Encarnacao, M., Sakwa, I., Tiede, S., Poorthuis, B.J., Lübke, T., Müller-Loennies, S., Storch, S., Braulke, T.: Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease. European Journal of Cell Biology. 89, 117-123 (2010).
Kollmann, Katrin, Pohl, Sandra, Marschner, Katrin, Encarnacao, Marisa, Sakwa, Imme, Tiede, Stephan, Poorthuis, Ben J., Lübke, Torben, Müller-Loennies, Sven, Storch, Stephan, and Braulke, Thomas. “Mannose phosphorylation in health and disease”. European Journal of Cell Biology 89.1 (2010): 117-123.

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