Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function

Möller R, Groß H-M (1993)
In: Proceedings of ICANN'93. Gielen S, Kappen B (Eds); Springer: 67-70.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Möller, RalfUniBi ; Groß, H.-M.
Gielen, S.; Kappen, B.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Proceedings of ICANN'93
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Möller R, Groß H-M. Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function. In: Gielen S, Kappen B, eds. Proceedings of ICANN'93. Springer; 1993: 67-70.
Möller, R., & Groß, H. - M. (1993). Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function. In S. Gielen & B. Kappen (Eds.), Proceedings of ICANN'93 (pp. 67-70). Springer.
Möller, Ralf, and Groß, H.-M. 1993. “Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function”. In Proceedings of ICANN'93, ed. S. Gielen and B. Kappen, 67-70. Springer.
Möller, R., and Groß, H. - M. (1993). “Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function” in Proceedings of ICANN'93, Gielen, S., and Kappen, B. eds. (Springer), 67-70.
Möller, R., & Groß, H.-M., 1993. Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function. In S. Gielen & B. Kappen, eds. Proceedings of ICANN'93. Springer, pp. 67-70.
R. Möller and H.-M. Groß, “Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function”, Proceedings of ICANN'93, S. Gielen and B. Kappen, eds., Springer, 1993, pp.67-70.
Möller, R., Groß, H.-M.: Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function. In: Gielen, S. and Kappen, B. (eds.) Proceedings of ICANN'93. p. 67-70. Springer (1993).
Möller, Ralf, and Groß, H.-M. “Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses –- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function”. Proceedings of ICANN'93. Ed. S. Gielen and B. Kappen. Springer, 1993. 67-70.

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