A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation

Kim DE, Möller R (2004)
In: From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior). Schaal S, Ijspeert A, Billard A, Vijayakumar S, Hallam J, Meyer J-A (Eds); MIT Press: 140-149.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kim, DaeEun; Möller, RalfUniBi
Schaal, Stefan; Ijspeert, Auke; Billard, Aude; Vijayakumar, Sethu; Hallam, John; Meyer, Jean-Arcady
Titel des Konferenzbandes
From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior)
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Kim DE, Möller R. A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation. In: Schaal S, Ijspeert A, Billard A, Vijayakumar S, Hallam J, Meyer J-A, eds. From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior). MIT Press; 2004: 140-149.
Kim, D. E., & Möller, R. (2004). A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation. In S. Schaal, A. Ijspeert, A. Billard, S. Vijayakumar, J. Hallam, & J. - A. Meyer (Eds.), From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior) (pp. 140-149). MIT Press.
Kim, DaeEun, and Möller, Ralf. 2004. “A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation”. In From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior), ed. Stefan Schaal, Auke Ijspeert, Aude Billard, Sethu Vijayakumar, John Hallam, and Jean-Arcady Meyer, 140-149. MIT Press.
Kim, D. E., and Möller, R. (2004). “A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation” in From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior), Schaal, S., Ijspeert, A., Billard, A., Vijayakumar, S., Hallam, J., and Meyer, J. - A. eds. (MIT Press), 140-149.
Kim, D.E., & Möller, R., 2004. A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation. In S. Schaal, et al., eds. From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior). MIT Press, pp. 140-149.
D.E. Kim and R. Möller, “A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation”, From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior), S. Schaal, et al., eds., MIT Press, 2004, pp.140-149.
Kim, D.E., Möller, R.: A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation. In: Schaal, S., Ijspeert, A., Billard, A., Vijayakumar, S., Hallam, J., and Meyer, J.-A. (eds.) From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior). p. 140-149. MIT Press (2004).
Kim, DaeEun, and Möller, Ralf. “A biomimetic whisker for texture discrimination and distance estimation”. From Animals to Animats 8 (Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior). Ed. Stefan Schaal, Auke Ijspeert, Aude Billard, Sethu Vijayakumar, John Hallam, and Jean-Arcady Meyer. MIT Press, 2004. 140-149.

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