Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis.

Haizel T, Merkle T, Pay A, Fejes E, Nagy F (1997)
The Plant Journal 11(1): 93-103.

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Haizel, T.; Merkle, ThomasUniBi; Pay, A.; Fejes, E.; Nagy, F.
The Plant Journal
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Haizel T, Merkle T, Pay A, Fejes E, Nagy F. Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal. 1997;11(1):93-103.
Haizel, T., Merkle, T., Pay, A., Fejes, E., & Nagy, F. (1997). Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 11(1), 93-103.
Haizel, T., Merkle, Thomas, Pay, A., Fejes, E., and Nagy, F. 1997. “Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis.”. The Plant Journal 11 (1): 93-103.
Haizel, T., Merkle, T., Pay, A., Fejes, E., and Nagy, F. (1997). Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 11, 93-103.
Haizel, T., et al., 1997. Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 11(1), p 93-103.
T. Haizel, et al., “Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis.”, The Plant Journal, vol. 11, 1997, pp. 93-103.
Haizel, T., Merkle, T., Pay, A., Fejes, E., Nagy, F.: Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal. 11, 93-103 (1997).
Haizel, T., Merkle, Thomas, Pay, A., Fejes, E., and Nagy, F. “Characterization of proteins that interact with the GTP-bound form of the regulatory GTPase Ran in Arabidopsis.”. The Plant Journal 11.1 (1997): 93-103.

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