Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus

Karsies A, Merkle T, Szurek B, Bonas U, Hohn T, Leclerc D (2002)
Journal of General Virology 83(7): 1783-1790.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Karsies, A.; Merkle, ThomasUniBi; Szurek, B.; Bonas, U.; Hohn, T.; Leclerc, D.
Abstract / Bemerkung
The mature cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) capsid protein (CP), if expressed in the absence of other viral proteins, is transported into the plant cell nucleus by the action of a nuclear localization signal (NLS) close to the N terminus. In contrast, virus particles do not enter the nucleus, but dock at the nuclear membrane, a process inhibited by anti-NLS antibodies or by GTP gamma S, and apparently mediated by interaction of CP with host importin alpha. The very acidic N-terminal extension of the viral CP precursor inhibits nuclear targeting of the protein and hence the precursor is localized in the cytoplasm. We hypothesize that this provides a control mechanism which ensures that the CP precursor is used for virus assembly in the cytoplasm and that only mature virus particles reach the nuclear pore.
Journal of General Virology
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Karsies A, Merkle T, Szurek B, Bonas U, Hohn T, Leclerc D. Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology. 2002;83(7):1783-1790.
Karsies, A., Merkle, T., Szurek, B., Bonas, U., Hohn, T., & Leclerc, D. (2002). Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology, 83(7), 1783-1790.
Karsies, A., Merkle, Thomas, Szurek, B., Bonas, U., Hohn, T., and Leclerc, D. 2002. “Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus”. Journal of General Virology 83 (7): 1783-1790.
Karsies, A., Merkle, T., Szurek, B., Bonas, U., Hohn, T., and Leclerc, D. (2002). Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology 83, 1783-1790.
Karsies, A., et al., 2002. Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology, 83(7), p 1783-1790.
A. Karsies, et al., “Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus”, Journal of General Virology, vol. 83, 2002, pp. 1783-1790.
Karsies, A., Merkle, T., Szurek, B., Bonas, U., Hohn, T., Leclerc, D.: Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of General Virology. 83, 1783-1790 (2002).
Karsies, A., Merkle, Thomas, Szurek, B., Bonas, U., Hohn, T., and Leclerc, D. “Regulated nuclear targeting of cauliflower mosaic virus”. Journal of General Virology 83.7 (2002): 1783-1790.

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