The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism

Baier M, Dietz K-J (1999)
In: Progress in Botany. Esser K, Kadereit JW, Runge M (Eds); , 60. Berlin: Springer: 283-314.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Baier, Margarete; Dietz, Karl-JosefUniBi
Esser, K.; Kadereit, J. W.; Runge, M.
Progress in Botany
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Baier M, Dietz K-J. The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism. In: Esser K, Kadereit JW, Runge M, eds. Progress in Botany. Vol 60. Berlin: Springer; 1999: 283-314.
Baier, M., & Dietz, K. - J. (1999). The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism. In K. Esser, J. W. Kadereit, & M. Runge (Eds.), Progress in Botany (Vol. 60, pp. 283-314). Berlin: Springer.
Baier, Margarete, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. 1999. “The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism”. In Progress in Botany, ed. K. Esser, J. W. Kadereit, and M. Runge, 60:283-314. Berlin: Springer.
Baier, M., and Dietz, K. - J. (1999). “The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism” in Progress in Botany, Esser, K., Kadereit, J. W., and Runge, M. eds., vol. 60, (Berlin: Springer), 283-314.
Baier, M., & Dietz, K.-J., 1999. The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism. In K. Esser, J. W. Kadereit, & M. Runge, eds. Progress in Botany. no.60 Berlin: Springer, pp. 283-314.
M. Baier and K.-J. Dietz, “The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism”, Progress in Botany, K. Esser, J.W. Kadereit, and M. Runge, eds., vol. 60, Berlin: Springer, 1999, pp.283-314.
Baier, M., Dietz, K.-J.: The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism. In: Esser, K., Kadereit, J.W., and Runge, M. (eds.) Progress in Botany. 60, p. 283-314. Springer, Berlin (1999).
Baier, Margarete, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. “The costs and benefits of oxygen in photosynthetic plant metabolism”. Progress in Botany. Ed. K. Esser, J. W. Kadereit, and M. Runge. Berlin: Springer, 1999.Vol. 60. 283-314.

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