Geometry in everyday life
Graumann G (1989)
In: Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics. Blum W (Ed); Mathematics and its applications. Chichester: Ellis Horwood: 153-158.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Blum, Werner
Abstract / Bemerkung
My conception of "practice-oriented-mathematical-education", which must be seen as one point of view side-by-side with others, has the aim to qualify pupils to master life and is based on a method of working on problems which are true to life. Therefore I plead for geometry teaching, where the formation of sound geometric concepts and the relevance of applications of geometry in everyday life is important. After discussing this conception a schedule of activities of everyday life where geometry could help, and the description of four units of geometry in everyday life, are given.
Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics
Mathematics and its applications
Page URI
Graumann G. Geometry in everyday life. In: Blum W, ed. Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics. Mathematics and its applications. Chichester: Ellis Horwood; 1989: 153-158.
Graumann, G. (1989). Geometry in everyday life. In W. Blum (Ed.), Mathematics and its applications. Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics (pp. 153-158). Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
Graumann, Günter. 1989. “Geometry in everyday life”. In Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics, ed. Werner Blum, 153-158. Mathematics and its applications. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
Graumann, G. (1989). “Geometry in everyday life” in Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics, Blum, W. ed. Mathematics and its applications (Chichester: Ellis Horwood), 153-158.
Graumann, G., 1989. Geometry in everyday life. In W. Blum, ed. Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics. Mathematics and its applications. Chichester: Ellis Horwood, pp. 153-158.
G. Graumann, “Geometry in everyday life”, Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics, W. Blum, ed., Mathematics and its applications, Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1989, pp.153-158.
Graumann, G.: Geometry in everyday life. In: Blum, W. (ed.) Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics. Mathematics and its applications. p. 153-158. Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1989).
Graumann, Günter. “Geometry in everyday life”. Applications and modelling in learning and teaching mathematics. Ed. Werner Blum. Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1989. Mathematics and its applications. 153-158.
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