Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics
Dürr V, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M (2001)
Journal of neurobiology 46(4): 289-300.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
Neurons exploit both membrane biophysics and biochemical pathways of the cytoplasm for dendritic integration of synaptic input. Here we quantify the tuning discrepancy of electrical and chemical response properties in two kinds of neurons using in vivo visual stimulation. Dendritic calcium concentration changes and membrane potential of visual interneurons of the fly were measured in response to visual motion stimuli. Two classes of tangential cells of the lobula plate were compared, HS-cells and CH-cells, Both neuronal classes are known to receive retinotopic input with similar properties, yet they differ in morphology, physiology, and computational context, Velocity tuning and directional selectivity of the electrical and calcium responses were Investigated. In both cell classes, motion-induced calcium accumulation did not follow the early transient of the membrane potential. Rather, the amplitude of the calcium signal seemed to be related to the late component of the depolarization, where it was close to a steady state. Electrical and calcium responses differed with respect to their velocity tuning in CH-cells, but not in MS-cells. Furthermore, velocity tuning of the calcium response, but not of the electrical response differed between neuronal classes. While null-direction motion caused hyperpolarization in both classes, this led to a calcium decrement in CM-cells, but had no effect on the calcium signal in MS-cells, not even when calcium levels had been raised by a preceding excitatory motion stimulus. Finally, the voltage[Ca2+](3)-relationship for motion-induced, transient potential changes was steeper and less rectifying in CH-cells than in MS-cells. These results represent an example of dendritic information processing in vivo, where two neuronal classes respond to identical stimuli with a similar electrical response, but differing calcium response. This highlights the capacity of neurons to segregate two response components.
Dendritic information processing;
Visual interneuron;
Chemical computation;
Calcium accumulation;
Directional selectivity;
Lobula plate
Journal of neurobiology
Page URI
Dürr V, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M. Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics. Journal of neurobiology. 2001;46(4):289-300.
Dürr, V., Kurtz, R., & Egelhaaf, M. (2001). Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics. Journal of neurobiology, 46(4), 289-300.<289::AID-NEU1009>3.0.CO;2-W
Dürr, Volker, Kurtz, Rafael, and Egelhaaf, Martin. 2001. “Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics”. Journal of neurobiology 46 (4): 289-300.
Dürr, V., Kurtz, R., and Egelhaaf, M. (2001). Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics. Journal of neurobiology 46, 289-300.
Dürr, V., Kurtz, R., & Egelhaaf, M., 2001. Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics. Journal of neurobiology, 46(4), p 289-300.
V. Dürr, R. Kurtz, and M. Egelhaaf, “Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics”, Journal of neurobiology, vol. 46, 2001, pp. 289-300.
Dürr, V., Kurtz, R., Egelhaaf, M.: Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics. Journal of neurobiology. 46, 289-300 (2001).
Dürr, Volker, Kurtz, Rafael, and Egelhaaf, Martin. “Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics”. Journal of neurobiology 46.4 (2001): 289-300.
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