The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins
Schroder G, Fruhling M, Pühler A, Perlick AM (1997)
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schroder, G;
Fruhling, M;
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Perlick, AM
Abstract / Bemerkung
Four different transcript sequences encoding gene products with an unusually high glycine content were identified in Vicia faba root nodules. Northern blot analysis revealed a strong nodule specific expression of the corresponding genes. Time course experiments showed that two of these genes were transcribed before the onset of leghemoglobin expression and hence were designated VfENOD-GRP2 and VfENOD-GRP5, whereas the first detection of VfNOD-GRP1 and VfNOD-GRP4 transcripts coincided with the appearence of leghemoglobin transcripts in V. faba root nodules. A characteristic feature of all encoded nodulins was a hydrophobic N-terminus, which in the case of the nodulins ENOD-GRP2 and ENOD-GRP5 has the characteristics of a signal peptide. Such a structure is comparable to other plant glycine-rich proteins decribed as components of the plant cell wall. Based on tissue print hybridizations, we found that VfNOD-GRP1, VfENOD-GRP2 and VfNOD-GRP4 were expressed in the interzone II-III and in the whole nitrogen-fixing zone III. In contrast to VfENOD-GRP2 and VfNOD-GRP4, the signal intensity of hybridizing VfNOD-GRP1 transcripts was slightly reduced in the more proximal part of broad bean root nodules. Apart from the interzone II-III and the nitrogen fixing zone III, VfENOD-GRP5 RNA was also detected in large areas of the prefixing zone II.
indeterminate root nodule;
tissue print;
glycine-rich nodulins
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Schroder G, Fruhling M, Pühler A, Perlick AM. The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 1997;33(1):113-123.
Schroder, G., Fruhling, M., Pühler, A., & Perlick, A. M. (1997). The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 33(1), 113-123.
Schroder, G, Fruhling, M, Pühler, Alfred, and Perlick, AM. 1997. “The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins”. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 33 (1): 113-123.
Schroder, G., Fruhling, M., Pühler, A., and Perlick, A. M. (1997). The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 33, 113-123.
Schroder, G., et al., 1997. The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 33(1), p 113-123.
G. Schroder, et al., “The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins”, PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 113-123.
Schroder, G., Fruhling, M., Pühler, A., Perlick, A.M.: The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 33, 113-123 (1997).
Schroder, G, Fruhling, M, Pühler, Alfred, and Perlick, AM. “The temporal and spatial transcription pattern in root nodules of Vicia faba nodulin genes encoding glycine-rich proteins”. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 33.1 (1997): 113-123.
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