Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities

Strautmann JBH, von Richthofen C-GF, George SDB, Bothe E, Bill E, Glaser T (2009)

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Strautmann, Julia Bernhardette Hildegard; von Richthofen, Carl-Georg Freiherr; George, Serena DeBeer; Bothe, Eberhard; Bill, Eckhard; Glaser, ThorstenUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Oxidation of the diferric complex [(LFeOFeL)-O-III-L-III] to the monoradical complex [(LFeOFeL center dot)-O-III-L-III](+) and the diradical complex [(LFeOFeL center dot)-Fe-center dot-O-III-L-III](2+) is followed by a decay into monomeric complexes including a highly reactive putative [LFeIV=O] complex.
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Strautmann JBH, von Richthofen C-GF, George SDB, Bothe E, Bill E, Glaser T. Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2009;(19):2637-2639.
Strautmann, J. B. H., von Richthofen, C. - G. F., George, S. D. B., Bothe, E., Bill, E., & Glaser, T. (2009). Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS(19), 2637-2639. https://doi.org/10.1039/b903500a
Strautmann, Julia Bernhardette Hildegard, von Richthofen, Carl-Georg Freiherr, George, Serena DeBeer, Bothe, Eberhard, Bill, Eckhard, and Glaser, Thorsten. 2009. “Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, no. 19: 2637-2639.
Strautmann, J. B. H., von Richthofen, C. - G. F., George, S. D. B., Bothe, E., Bill, E., and Glaser, T. (2009). Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2637-2639.
Strautmann, J.B.H., et al., 2009. Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (19), p 2637-2639.
J.B.H. Strautmann, et al., “Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2009, pp. 2637-2639.
Strautmann, J.B.H., von Richthofen, C.-G.F., George, S.D.B., Bothe, E., Bill, E., Glaser, T.: Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2637-2639 (2009).
Strautmann, Julia Bernhardette Hildegard, von Richthofen, Carl-Georg Freiherr, George, Serena DeBeer, Bothe, Eberhard, Bill, Eckhard, and Glaser, Thorsten. “Highly oxidized diiron complexes: generation, spectroscopy, and stabilities”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 19 (2009): 2637-2639.

2 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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Strautmann JB, Dammers S, Limpke T, Parthier J, Zimmermann TP, Walleck S, Heinze-Brückner G, Stammler A, Bögge H, Glaser T., Dalton Trans 45(8), 2016
PMID: 26791942

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