Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors

Miksch G, Kleist S, Friehs K, Flaschel E (2002)

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Abstract / Bemerkung
The gene for phytase from Escherichia coli was sequenced and compared with the appA gene. It was found to be a mutant derivative of the appA gene. After fusion with a C-terminal His-tag, phytase was purified by affinity chromatography and the enzymatic properties were analyzed. To develop a system for overexpression and extracellular production of phytase in E. coli, factors affecting the expression and secretion such as promoter type, host strain and selection pressure were analyzed. Using a secretion system based on the controlled expression of the kil gene, the expression of phytase was improved and the enzyme was released into the culture medium at a high level. An effective fermentation strategy based on fed-batch operation was developed.
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Miksch G, Kleist S, Friehs K, Flaschel E. Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2002;59(6):685-694.
Miksch, G., Kleist, S., Friehs, K., & Flaschel, E. (2002). Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 59(6), 685-694. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-002-1071-z
Miksch, Gerd, Kleist, S, Friehs, Karl, and Flaschel, Erwin. 2002. “Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors”. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 59 (6): 685-694.
Miksch, G., Kleist, S., Friehs, K., and Flaschel, E. (2002). Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 59, 685-694.
Miksch, G., et al., 2002. Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 59(6), p 685-694.
G. Miksch, et al., “Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors”, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 59, 2002, pp. 685-694.
Miksch, G., Kleist, S., Friehs, K., Flaschel, E.: Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 59, 685-694 (2002).
Miksch, Gerd, Kleist, S, Friehs, Karl, and Flaschel, Erwin. “Overexpression of the phytase from Escherichia coli and its extracellular production in bioreactors”. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 59.6 (2002): 685-694.

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