AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing

Grossmann J, Roos FF, Cieliebak M, Lipták Z, Mathis LK, Müller M, Gruissem W, Baginsky S (2005)
Journal of Proteome Research 4(5): 1768-1774.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Grossmann, Jonas; Roos, Franz F.; Cieliebak, Mark; Lipták, ZsuzsannaUniBi; Mathis, Lukas K.; Müller, Matthias; Gruissem, Wilhelm; Baginsky, Sacha
Abstract / Bemerkung
We present AUDENS, a new platform-independent open source tool for automated de novo sequencing of peptides from MS/MS data. We implemented a dynamic programming algorithm and combined it with a flexible preprocessing module which is designed to distinguish between signal and other peaks. By applying a user-defined set of heuristics, AUDENS screens through the spectrum and assigns high relevance values to putative signal peaks. The algorithm constructs a sequence path through the MS/MS spectrum using the peak relevances to score each suggested sequence path, i.e., the corresponding amino acid sequence. At present, we consider AUDENS a prototype that unfolds its biggest potential if used in parallel with other de novo sequencing tools. AUDENS is available open source and can be downloaded with further documentation at
de novo sequencing; spectra preprocessing; mass spectrometry
Journal of Proteome Research
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Grossmann J, Roos FF, Cieliebak M, et al. AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research. 2005;4(5):1768-1774.
Grossmann, J., Roos, F. F., Cieliebak, M., Lipták, Z., Mathis, L. K., Müller, M., Gruissem, W., et al. (2005). AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research, 4(5), 1768-1774.
Grossmann, Jonas, Roos, Franz F., Cieliebak, Mark, Lipták, Zsuzsanna, Mathis, Lukas K., Müller, Matthias, Gruissem, Wilhelm, and Baginsky, Sacha. 2005. “AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing”. Journal of Proteome Research 4 (5): 1768-1774.
Grossmann, J., Roos, F. F., Cieliebak, M., Lipták, Z., Mathis, L. K., Müller, M., Gruissem, W., and Baginsky, S. (2005). AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research 4, 1768-1774.
Grossmann, J., et al., 2005. AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research, 4(5), p 1768-1774.
J. Grossmann, et al., “AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing”, Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 4, 2005, pp. 1768-1774.
Grossmann, J., Roos, F.F., Cieliebak, M., Lipták, Z., Mathis, L.K., Müller, M., Gruissem, W., Baginsky, S.: AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research. 4, 1768-1774 (2005).
Grossmann, Jonas, Roos, Franz F., Cieliebak, Mark, Lipták, Zsuzsanna, Mathis, Lukas K., Müller, Matthias, Gruissem, Wilhelm, and Baginsky, Sacha. “AUDENS: A tool for automated peptide de novo sequencing”. Journal of Proteome Research 4.5 (2005): 1768-1774.

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