{"year":"2025","unibi_person":1,"citation":{"harvard1":"Toro, D., 2025. The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.","wels":"Toro, D. (2025): The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Toro, D. (2025). <em>The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.</em>. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.</div>","ieee":" D. Toro, “The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.”, Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz, 2025.","angewandte-chemie":"D.  Toro, <strong>2025</strong>.","bio1":"Toro D (2025) <br />The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933. <br />Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.","default":"Toro D (2025)  <br />Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Toro, Daniele. 2025. “The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.”. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz .</div>","ama":"Toro D. The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.","lncs":" Toro, D.: The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz (2025).","apa":"Toro, D. (2025). <em>The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.</em>. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz.","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Toro, D. (2025). The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933. Gehalten auf der Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe).</div>","mla":"Toro, Daniele. “The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.”. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz, 2025.","frontiers":"Toro, D. (2025).“The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.”. Presented at the Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe), Universität Konstanz."},"type_old":["conference"],"department":[{"_id":"10022"},{"_id":"6747229"}],"status":"public","conference":{"start_date":"2025-02-04","name":"Promovierendenkolloquium für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte (Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt; PD Dr. Martin Rempe)","location":"Universität Konstanz"},"author":[{"id":"113050097","orcid":"0000-0002-2533-263X","department":[{"_id":"10022"},{"_id":"6747229"}],"last_name":"Toro","first_name":"Daniele","full_name":"Toro, Daniele"}],"language":[{"iso":"ger"}],"_id":"3000820","first_contributor":"Toro, Daniele","date_created":"2025-02-16T10:52:55Z","user_id":"113050097","type":"conference","title":"The Marching Putsch as a Performative Model and the Transfer of Fascist Practices, 1922–1933.","date_updated":"2025-02-16T10:58:20Z"}