{"_id":"3000582","date_updated":"2025-02-07T11:44:51Z","user_id":"30564","title":"Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress?","publication_status":"published","article_number":"P917","status":"public","series_title":"Journal of Sleep Research","intvolume":"        33","doi":"10.1111/jsr.14291","date_created":"2025-02-03T10:37:20Z","external_id":{"isi":["001319389402168"]},"author":[{"first_name":"Angelika","full_name":"Schlarb, Angelika","id":"46110571","department":[{"_id":"33700"}],"last_name":"Schlarb"},{"department":[{"_id":"10001"}],"last_name":"Hertel","first_name":"Daniela","full_name":"Hertel, Daniela","id":"117476320"},{"last_name":"Faber","first_name":"Jasmin","department":[{"_id":"33700"}],"id":"61231459","full_name":"Faber, Jasmin"}],"publication_identifier":{"eissn":["1365-2869"],"issn":["0962-1105"]},"isi":1,"volume":33,"conference":{"start_date":"2024-09-24","end_date":"2024-09-27","name":"27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society","location":"Seville, Spain"},"type":"conference_abstract","issue":"Suppl. 1","first_contributor":"Schlarb, Angelika","quality_controlled":"1","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication":"Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain","publisher":"Wiley","place":"Hoboken","unibi_person":1,"citation":{"apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Schlarb, A., Hertel, D., &amp; Faber, J. (2024). Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>, Journal of Sleep Research, <em>33</em> Hoboken: Wiley. <a href=\"https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.14291\" target=\"_blank\">https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.14291</a></div>","frontiers":"Schlarb, A., Hertel, D., and Faber, J. (2024). “Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress?” in <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em> Journal of Sleep Research, vol. 33, (Hoboken: Wiley).","lncs":" Schlarb, A., Hertel, D., Faber, J.: Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain. Journal of Sleep Research. 33,  Wiley, Hoboken (2024).","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Schlarb, A., Hertel, D. &amp; Faber, J. (2024). Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? (Journal of Sleep Research). <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>. Gehalten auf der 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Hoboken: Wiley. doi:10.1111/jsr.14291.</div>","ama":"Schlarb A, Hertel D, Faber J. Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? In:  <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>. Journal of Sleep Research. Vol 33. Hoboken: Wiley;  2024.","ieee":" A. Schlarb, D. Hertel, and J. Faber, “Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress?”, <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>, Journal of Sleep Research, vol. 33,  Hoboken: Wiley, 2024.","angewandte-chemie":"A.  Schlarb, D.  Hertel, and J.  Faber, in <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>, Wiley, Hoboken, <strong>2024</strong>.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Schlarb, Angelika, Hertel, Daniela, and Faber, Jasmin. 2024. “Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress?”. In <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>. Vol. 33. Journal of Sleep Research. Hoboken: Wiley: P917.</div>","default":"Schlarb A, Hertel D, Faber J (2024)  <br />In:  Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain. Journal of Sleep Research, 33(Suppl. 1).  Hoboken: Wiley.","apa":"Schlarb, A., Hertel, D., &amp; Faber, J. (2024). Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>, Journal of Sleep Research, <em>33</em> Hoboken: Wiley. <a href=\"https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.14291\" target=\"_blank\">https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.14291</a>","bio1":"Schlarb A, Hertel D, Faber J (2024) <br />Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? <br />In:  Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain.  Journal of Sleep Research, 33. Hoboken: Wiley.","harvard1":"Schlarb, A., Hertel, D., &amp; Faber, J., 2024. Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? In <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>. Journal of Sleep Research. no.33  Hoboken: Wiley.","wels":"Schlarb, A.; Hertel, D.; Faber, J. (2024): Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress? In: Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain. Hoboken: Wiley. (Journal of Sleep Research, 33).","mla":"Schlarb, Angelika, Hertel, Daniela, and Faber, Jasmin. “Pregnant students and young mothers with toddlers at the university - what about sleep and stress?”. <em>Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain</em>. Hoboken: Wiley, 2024.Vol. 33. Journal of Sleep Research."},"department":[{"_id":"33700"}],"year":"2024","type_old":["conferenceAbstract","conferenceabstract","conference_abstract"]}