The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states
Richter J, Schmidt H-JB, Schnack J (2024)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
| E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Richter, Johannes;
Schmidt, Heinz-Jürgen Benno;
Schnack, JürgenUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
We consider a classical Heisenberg model onthe kagom'{e} and the square kagom'{e} lattice, where at zero magnetic fieldnon-coplanar cuboctahedral ground states with twelve sublatticesexist if suitable exchange couplings are introduced between the other neighbors.Such 'cuboc ground states' are remarkable because they allow for chiral ordering.For these models, we discuss the magnetization processin an applied magnetic field $H$ by both numerical and analytical methods.We find some universal properties that are present in all models.The magnetization curve $M(H)$ usually contains only non-linear componentsand there is at least one magnetic field driven phase transition.Details of the $M(H)$ curve such as the number and characteristics(continuous or discontinuous) of the phase transitions depend on the latticeand the details of the exchange between the further neighbors.Typical features of these magnetization processes can alreadybe derived for a paradigmatic 12-spin model that we define in this work.
. © 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights, including for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies, are reserved.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Page URI
Richter J, Schmidt H-JB, Schnack J. The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2024.
Richter, J., Schmidt, H. - J. B., & Schnack, J. (2024). The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
Richter, Johannes, Schmidt, Heinz-Jürgen Benno, and Schnack, Jürgen. 2024. “The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
Richter, J., Schmidt, H. - J. B., and Schnack, J. (2024). The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
Richter, J., Schmidt, H.-J.B., & Schnack, J., 2024. The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
J. Richter, H.-J.B. Schmidt, and J. Schnack, “The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2024.
Richter, J., Schmidt, H.-J.B., Schnack, J.: The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. (2024).
Richter, Johannes, Schmidt, Heinz-Jürgen Benno, and Schnack, Jürgen. “The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets withnon-coplanar cuboc ground states”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2024).
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PMID: 39321838
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