Celik N (2023)
In: Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur. Ortland E, Gutmann T, Stierstorfer K (Eds); University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI.
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Ortland, Eberhard;
Gutmann, Thomas;
Stierstorfer, Klaus
Abstract / Bemerkung
Der Name "Woyzeck" wird vorrangig in Bezug auf das im 20. Jh. unter diesem Namen bekannt gewordene Dramenfragment von Georg Büchner (1813–1837) gebraucht. Im besagten Bühnenstück wird die Mordtat eines fiktiven Soldaten, dem Büchner in seinen späteren Entwürfen den Namen "Franz Woyzeck" gab, an seiner Geliebten dargestellt. Als Vorbild und Namensgeber für den literarischen Woyzeck diente der Kriminalfall des Gelegenheitsarbeiters und ehemaligen Soldaten Johann Christian Woyzeck, der 1821 in Leipzig seine Geliebte erstochen hatte und nach einer aufsehenerregenden Prozessgeschichte wegen Mordes verurteilt und 1824 öffentlich hingerichtet wurde. Die Bezeichnung "Woyzeck" wird somit für mindestens vier verschiedene Gegenstände gebraucht: (1) in Bezug auf die Person Johann Christian Woyzeck, (2) für den historischen Kriminalfall, die Causa Woyzeck, (3) für die dramatische Adaption Büchners bzw. für die verschiedenen Editionen seiner Dramenfragmente, die seit 1920 unter diesem Titel publiziert wurden, sowie (4) für die literarische bzw. dramatische Figur Franz Woyzeck in diesem Bühnenstück.
The name "Woyzeck" is mainly used to refer to the drama fragment by Georg Büchner (1813–1837), which became known under this title in the 20th century. The drama, which Büchner could not finish before his early death, shows a fictitious soldier's murder of his lover. The criminal case of casual worker and former soldier Johann Christian Woyzeck, who had stabbed his lover in Leipzig in 1821 and was executed in 1824 after a sensational trial, served as model and namesake. The term "Woyzeck" can therefore be used for at least four different matters: (1) in reference to the person Johann Christian Woyzeck, (2) for the historical crime case, the causa Woyzeck, (3) for Büchner’s drama, or rather the different editions of his drama fragments, which have been published under this title since 1920, as well as (4) for the literary or dramatical character Franz Woyzeck in this drama.
The name "Woyzeck" is mainly used to refer to the drama fragment by Georg Büchner (1813–1837), which became known under this title in the 20th century. The drama, which Büchner could not finish before his early death, shows a fictitious soldier's murder of his lover. The criminal case of casual worker and former soldier Johann Christian Woyzeck, who had stabbed his lover in Leipzig in 1821 and was executed in 1824 after a sensational trial, served as model and namesake. The term "Woyzeck" can therefore be used for at least four different matters: (1) in reference to the person Johann Christian Woyzeck, (2) for the historical crime case, the causa Woyzeck, (3) for Büchner’s drama, or rather the different editions of his drama fragments, which have been published under this title since 1920, as well as (4) for the literary or dramatical character Franz Woyzeck in this drama.
Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur
Page URI
Celik N. Woyzeck. In: Ortland E, Gutmann T, Stierstorfer K, eds. Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur. University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI; 2023.
Celik, N. (2023). Woyzeck. In E. Ortland, T. Gutmann, & K. Stierstorfer (Eds.), Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI. https://doi.org/10.17879/00089711297
Celik, Nursan. 2023. “Woyzeck”. In Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur, ed. Eberhard Ortland, Thomas Gutmann, and Klaus Stierstorfer. University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI.
Celik, N. (2023). “Woyzeck” in Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur, Ortland, E., Gutmann, T., and Stierstorfer, K. eds. (University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI).
Celik, N., 2023. Woyzeck. In E. Ortland, T. Gutmann, & K. Stierstorfer, eds. Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur. University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI.
N. Celik, “Woyzeck”, Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur, E. Ortland, T. Gutmann, and K. Stierstorfer, eds., University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI, 2023.
Celik, N.: Woyzeck. In: Ortland, E., Gutmann, T., and Stierstorfer, K. (eds.) Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur. University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI (2023).
Celik, Nursan. “Woyzeck”. Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur. Ed. Eberhard Ortland, Thomas Gutmann, and Klaus Stierstorfer. University of Muenster, Institutional Repository MIAMI, 2023.