The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis

Chen Z, Streib H, Hood Jr. RW (2024)
In: Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles. Streib H, Hood Jr. RW (Eds); Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 117-136.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 391.97 KB
Chen, Zhuo; Streib, HeinzUniBi ; Hood Jr., Ralph W.
Streib, Heinz; Hood Jr., Ralph W.
Abstract / Bemerkung
This chapter examines the meaning and development of the six aspects of faith development, perspective taking, social horizon, morality, locus of authority, world coherence, and symbolic function. In the existing literature on faith development, the aspects have been used to account for the variety of dimensions that are important for faith, and to warrant equal attention to every aspect when rating the faith development interview and calculating the total FDI score. The aspects have not being given individual treatment. The current study looks into the specific meaning and possible differences among these aspects. We first offer a theoretical overview of what these aspects measure. Then, with data of N = 75 individuals who completed three waves of faith development interviews, hierarchical linear models evidenced upward faith development only in perspective taking and social horizon, not in the other four aspects. A rigorous outcome-wide analysis explored the possible causes of faith development using self-report personality measures. Most importantly, self-acceptance appeared to be a consistent inhibitor of faith development. There were some associations of neuroticism and the religious schemata of truth of text and teachings and of xenosophia interreligious dialogue with faith development. Overall, the associations of personality measures with faith development aspects were weak and not uniform.
Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles
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Chen Z, Streib H, Hood Jr. RW. The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis . In: Streib H, Hood Jr. RW, eds. Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press; 2024: 117-136.
Chen, Z., Streib, H., & Hood Jr., R. W. (2024). The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis . In H. Streib & R. W. Hood Jr. (Eds.), Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles (pp. 117-136). Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press.
Chen, Zhuo, Streib, Heinz, and Hood Jr., Ralph W. 2024. “The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis ”. In Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles, ed. Heinz Streib and Ralph W. Hood Jr., 117-136. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press.
Chen, Z., Streib, H., and Hood Jr., R. W. (2024). “The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis ” in Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles, Streib, H., and Hood Jr., R. W. eds. (Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press), 117-136.
Chen, Z., Streib, H., & Hood Jr., R.W., 2024. The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis . In H. Streib & R. W. Hood Jr., eds. Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, pp. 117-136.
Z. Chen, H. Streib, and R.W. Hood Jr., “The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis ”, Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles, H. Streib and R.W. Hood Jr., eds., Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, 2024, pp.117-136.
Chen, Z., Streib, H., Hood Jr., R.W.: The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis . In: Streib, H. and Hood Jr., R.W. (eds.) Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles. p. 117-136. Bielefeld University Press, Bielefeld (2024).
Chen, Zhuo, Streib, Heinz, and Hood Jr., Ralph W. “The six aspects of faith development in longitudinal analysis ”. Faith in Development. Mixed-method Studies on Worldviews and Religious Styles. Ed. Heinz Streib and Ralph W. Hood Jr. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, 2024. 117-136.
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