Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities

Faist T, Schmidt K (2024)
In: Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective. Delgado Wise R, Likic-Brboric B, Munck R, Schierup C-U (Eds); Edward Elgar Publishing: 119-134.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Delgado Wise, Raúl; Likic-Brboric, Branka; Munck, Ronaldo; Schierup, Carl-Ulrik
Abstract / Bemerkung
Climate change and environmental degradation have been frequently discussed as drivers of migration and forced migration in academic and public debates. The number of peer-reviewed journal article publications per year about the topic has continuously increased, particularly after 2010. The topics of interest have shifted from a focus on vulnerability, land degradation, refugees and security towards concepts such as climate justice, sustainability, human rights and disaster risk reduction. This chapter traces existing research into the climate change-migration debate. The main argument is that we need a new generation of research which devotes more attention to how responses to environmental degradation in general and climate change in particular, including migration (as adaptation), are implicated in producing and reproducing social inequalities. The first part traces selected public and academic discourses and thus various positions on climate-migration issues. A second section delineates three generations of research in this field. To overcome the disjunction of nature and culture, ecology, and society, is at the core of the third section. A fourth and concluding part offers a sketch of research sensitive to social inequalities (re)produced in the course of climate change.
Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective
9781789907131, 9781789907131
Page URI


Faist T, Schmidt K. Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities. In: Delgado Wise R, Likic-Brboric B, Munck R, Schierup C-U, eds. Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing; 2024: 119-134.
Faist, T., & Schmidt, K. (2024). Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities. In R. Delgado Wise, B. Likic-Brboric, R. Munck, & C. - U. Schierup (Eds.), Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective (pp. 119-134). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Faist, Thomas, and Schmidt, Kerstin. 2024. “Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities”. In Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective, ed. Raúl Delgado Wise, Branka Likic-Brboric, Ronaldo Munck, and Carl-Ulrik Schierup, 119-134. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Faist, T., and Schmidt, K. (2024). “Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities” in Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective, Delgado Wise, R., Likic-Brboric, B., Munck, R., and Schierup, C. - U. eds. (Edward Elgar Publishing), 119-134.
Faist, T., & Schmidt, K., 2024. Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities. In R. Delgado Wise, et al., eds. Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 119-134.
T. Faist and K. Schmidt, “Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities”, Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective, R. Delgado Wise, et al., eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp.119-134.
Faist, T., Schmidt, K.: Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities. In: Delgado Wise, R., Likic-Brboric, B., Munck, R., and Schierup, C.-U. (eds.) Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective. p. 119-134. Edward Elgar Publishing (2024).
Faist, Thomas, and Schmidt, Kerstin. “Climate change, environmental degradation and the reproduction of social inequalities”. Handbook on Migration and Development. A Counter-hegemonic Perspective. Ed. Raúl Delgado Wise, Branka Likic-Brboric, Ronaldo Munck, and Carl-Ulrik Schierup. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024. 119-134.

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