Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics.

Göz M, Pohl G, Steinecker S, Walhorn V, Milting H, Anselmetti D (2024)
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 195: P36-44.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Cadherins are calcium dependent adhesion proteins that establish and maintain the intercellular mechanical contact by bridging the gap between adjacent cells. Desmoglein-2 (Dsg2) and desmocollin-2 (Dsc2) are tissue specific cadherin isoforms of the cell-cell contact in cardiac desmosomes. Mutations in the DSG2-gene and in the DSC2-gene are related to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) a rare but severe heart muscle disease. Here, several possible homophilic and heterophilic binding interactions of wild-type Dsg2, wild-type Dsc2, as well as one Dsg2- and two Dsc2-variants, each associated with ARVC, are investigated. Using single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and applying Jarzynski's equality the kinetics and thermodynamics of Dsg2/Dsc2 interaction can be determined. The free energy landscape of Dsg2/Dsc2 dimerization exposes a high activation energy barrier, which is in line with the proposed strand-swapping binding motif. Although the binding motif is not affected by any of the mutations, the binding kinetics of the interactions differ significantly from the wild-type. While wild-type cadherins exhibit an average complex lifetime of approx. 0.3s interactions involving a variant consistently show - lifetimes that are substantially larger. The lifetimes of the wild-type interactions give rise to the picture of a dynamic adhesion interface consisting of continuously dissociating and (re)associating molecular bonds, while the delayed binding kinetics of interactions involving an ARVC-associated variant might be part of the pathogenesis. Our data provide a comprehensive and consistent thermodynamic and kinetic description of cardiac cadherin binding, allowing detailed insight into the molecular mechanisms of cell adhesion. Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology
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Göz M, Pohl G, Steinecker S, Walhorn V, Milting H, Anselmetti D. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. 2024;195: P36-44.
Göz, M., Pohl, G., Steinecker, S., Walhorn, V., Milting, H., & Anselmetti, D. (2024). Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 195, P36-44.
Göz, Manuel, Pohl, Greta, Steinecker, Sylvia, Walhorn, Volker, Milting, Hendrik, and Anselmetti, Dario. 2024. “Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics.”. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 195: P36-44.
Göz, M., Pohl, G., Steinecker, S., Walhorn, V., Milting, H., and Anselmetti, D. (2024). Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 195:P36-44.
Göz, M., et al., 2024. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 195: P36-44.
M. Göz, et al., “Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics.”, Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, vol. 195, 2024, : P36-44.
Göz, M., Pohl, G., Steinecker, S., Walhorn, V., Milting, H., Anselmetti, D.: Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. 195, : P36-44 (2024).
Göz, Manuel, Pohl, Greta, Steinecker, Sylvia, Walhorn, Volker, Milting, Hendrik, and Anselmetti, Dario. “Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy-related cadherin variants affect desmosomal binding kinetics.”. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 195 (2024): P36-44.

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