Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling

Kahle P, Kliche F (2022)
In: Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. Jantunen JH, Kalja-Voima J, Laukkarinen M, Puupponen A, Salonen M, Saresma T, Tarvainen J, Ylönen S, University of Jyväskylä (Eds); Jyväskylä: 28-42.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kahle, PatrickUniBi ; Kliche, Fritz
Jantunen, Jarmo Harri; Kalja-Voima, Johanna; Laukkarinen, Matti; Puupponen, Anna; Salonen, Margareta; Saresma, Tuija; Tarvainen, Jenny; Ylönen, Sabine
herausgebende Körperschaft
University of Jyväskylä
Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland
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Kahle P, Kliche F. Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling . In: Jantunen JH, Kalja-Voima J, Laukkarinen M, et al., eds. Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. Jyväskylä; 2022: 28-42.
Kahle, P., & Kliche, F. (2022). Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling . In J. H. Jantunen, J. Kalja-Voima, M. Laukkarinen, A. Puupponen, M. Salonen, T. Saresma, J. Tarvainen, et al. (Eds.), Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland (pp. 28-42). Jyväskylä.
Kahle, Patrick, and Kliche, Fritz. 2022. “Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling ”. In Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland, ed. Jarmo Harri Jantunen, Johanna Kalja-Voima, Matti Laukkarinen, Anna Puupponen, Margareta Salonen, Tuija Saresma, Jenny Tarvainen, Sabine Ylönen, and University of Jyväskylä, 28-42. Jyväskylä.
Kahle, P., and Kliche, F. (2022). “Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling ” in Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland, Jantunen, J. H., Kalja-Voima, J., Laukkarinen, M., Puupponen, A., Salonen, M., Saresma, T., Tarvainen, J., Ylönen, S., and University of Jyväskylä eds. (Jyväskylä), 28-42.
Kahle, P., & Kliche, F., 2022. Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling . In J. H. Jantunen, et al., eds. Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. Jyväskylä, pp. 28-42.
P. Kahle and F. Kliche, “Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling ”, Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland, J.H. Jantunen, et al., eds., Jyväskylä: 2022, pp.28-42.
Kahle, P., Kliche, F.: Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling . In: Jantunen, J.H., Kalja-Voima, J., Laukkarinen, M., Puupponen, A., Salonen, M., Saresma, T., Tarvainen, J., Ylönen, S., and University of Jyväskylä (eds.) Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. p. 28-42. Jyväskylä (2022).
Kahle, Patrick, and Kliche, Fritz. “Learning Inductive and Deductive Topics in Parallel Using Seeded Topic Modeling ”. Diversity of Methods and Materials in Digital Human Sciences: Proceedings of the Digital Research Data and Human Sciences DRDHum Conference 2022, December 1-3, Jyväskylä, Finland. Ed. Jarmo Harri Jantunen, Johanna Kalja-Voima, Matti Laukkarinen, Anna Puupponen, Margareta Salonen, Tuija Saresma, Jenny Tarvainen, Sabine Ylönen, and University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä, 2022. 28-42.
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