Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft

Regazzoni L (Submitted)
Contributions to the History of Concepts.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Eingereicht | Englisch
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Contributions to the History of Concepts
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Regazzoni L. Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft. Contributions to the History of Concepts. Submitted.
Regazzoni, L. (Submitted). Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft. Contributions to the History of Concepts
Regazzoni, Lisa. Submitted. “Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft”. Contributions to the History of Concepts.
Regazzoni, L. (Submitted). Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft. Contributions to the History of Concepts.
Regazzoni, L., Submitted. Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft. Contributions to the History of Concepts.
L. Regazzoni, “Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft”, Contributions to the History of Concepts, Submitted.
Regazzoni, L.: Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft. Contributions to the History of Concepts. (Submitted).
Regazzoni, Lisa. “Under the Auspices of Mnemosyne: Reinhart Koselleck’s Figure Collection and Its Apotropaic Craft”. Contributions to the History of Concepts (Submitted).

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