Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions

Beckmann L, Tiessen N, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B, Mitzel NW (2024)
Dalton Transactions.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Bidentate and tetradentate chalcogen bonding host systems with SeCF3 functions as sigma-hole donors in close proximity at the alkyne functions of 1,8-diethynylanthracene and its syn-dimer were prepared in quantitative yield by tin-selenium exchange reactions of the corresponding trimethylstannyl precursors with ClSeCF3. The bidentate system shows chalcogen bonding interactions with THF, but does not bind halide ions. The tetradentate system cooperatively chelates chloride, bromide and iodide ions with its four CC-SeCF3 units by rotating the four sigma-holes towards the halide ion. The structures of these halide ion adducts were determined by X-ray diffraction. The hydrobromide and -iodide salts of the ethyl derivative of Schwesinger's phosphazene superbase served as halide salts with very weakly coordinating cations.
Dalton Transactions
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Beckmann L, Tiessen N, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Hoge B, Mitzel NW. Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions. Dalton Transactions. 2024.
Beckmann, L., Tiessen, N., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., Hoge, B., & Mitzel, N. W. (2024). Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions. Dalton Transactions. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4dt01730g
Beckmann, Louis, Tiessen, Natalia, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, Hoge, Berthold, and Mitzel, Norbert W. 2024. “Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions”. Dalton Transactions.
Beckmann, L., Tiessen, N., Neumann, B., Stammler, H. - G., Hoge, B., and Mitzel, N. W. (2024). Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions. Dalton Transactions.
Beckmann, L., et al., 2024. Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions. Dalton Transactions.
L. Beckmann, et al., “Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions”, Dalton Transactions, 2024.
Beckmann, L., Tiessen, N., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G., Hoge, B., Mitzel, N.W.: Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions. Dalton Transactions. (2024).
Beckmann, Louis, Tiessen, Natalia, Neumann, Beate, Stammler, Hans-Georg, Hoge, Berthold, and Mitzel, Norbert W. “Polydentate chalcogen bonding: anion trapping with a water-stable host compound carrying Se-CF3 functions”. Dalton Transactions (2024).

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