Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks

Altenkort L, de la Cruz D, Kaczmarek O, Moore GD, Shu H-T (2024)
Physical Review D 109(11): 114505.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Altenkort, LuisUniBi ; de la Cruz, David; Kaczmarek, OlafUniBi ; Moore, Guy D.; Shu, Hai-Tao
Abstract / Bemerkung
We analyze the color -magnetic (or " B " ) field two -point function that encodes the finite -mass correction to the heavy -quark momentum -diffusion coefficient. The simulations are done on fine isotropic lattices in the quenched approximation at 1. 5 T c , using a range of gradient flow times for noise suppression and operator renormalization. The continuum extrapolation is performed at fixed flow time followed by a second extrapolation to zero flow time. Perturbative calculations to next -to -leading order of this correlation function, matching gradient -flowed correlators to MS, are used to resolve nontrivial renormalization issues. We perform a spectral reconstruction based on perturbative model fits to estimate the coefficient kappa B of the finite -mass correction to the heavy -quark momentum -diffusion coefficient. The approach we present here yields high -precision data for the correlator with all renormalization issues incorporated at next -to -leading order and is also applicable for actions with dynamical fermions.
Physical Review D
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Altenkort L, de la Cruz D, Kaczmarek O, Moore GD, Shu H-T. Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks. Physical Review D . 2024;109(11): 114505.
Altenkort, L., de la Cruz, D., Kaczmarek, O., Moore, G. D., & Shu, H. - T. (2024). Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks. Physical Review D , 109(11), 114505.
Altenkort, Luis, de la Cruz, David, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Moore, Guy D., and Shu, Hai-Tao. 2024. “Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks”. Physical Review D 109 (11): 114505.
Altenkort, L., de la Cruz, D., Kaczmarek, O., Moore, G. D., and Shu, H. - T. (2024). Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks. Physical Review D 109:114505.
Altenkort, L., et al., 2024. Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks. Physical Review D , 109(11): 114505.
L. Altenkort, et al., “Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks”, Physical Review D , vol. 109, 2024, : 114505.
Altenkort, L., de la Cruz, D., Kaczmarek, O., Moore, G.D., Shu, H.-T.: Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks. Physical Review D . 109, : 114505 (2024).
Altenkort, Luis, de la Cruz, David, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Moore, Guy D., and Shu, Hai-Tao. “Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks”. Physical Review D 109.11 (2024): 114505.

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