Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics

Weike N, Eisfeld W, Dunseath KM, Viel A (2024)
The Journal of Chemical Physics 161(1).

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Weike, Nicole; Eisfeld, WolfgangUniBi ; Dunseath, Kevin M.; Viel, Alexandra
Abstract / Bemerkung
Our recently published [Weike et al., J. Chem. Phys. 159, 244119 (2023)] spin–orbit coupled diabatic potential energy model for HI is used in a thorough analysis of bound and quasi-bound states as well as elastic and inelastic processes in H + I collisions. The potential energy model, designed explicitly for studying scattering, accurately describes the various couplings in the system, which lead to complex dynamics. Ro-vibronic bound and quasi-bound states related to the adiabatic electronic ground state and an excited electronic state are analyzed. Calculations using the full 104 × 104 diabatic matrix model or a single adiabatic state are compared in order to investigate approximations in the latter. Elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections as well as thermal rates between the ground and first excited fine structure levels of iodine are computed for collision energies up to 12 500 cm−1. Resonances related to the quasi-bound states are analyzed in terms of their energy, width, lifetime, and decay probabilities. The effect of different resonances on the thermal rates is discussed. Resonances between 30 000 and 40 000 cm−1 are also studied for selected values of the total angular momentum, in particular their decay probabilities into different final states of iodine and hence their potential effect on branching ratios in photodissociation of HI.
The Journal of Chemical Physics
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Weike N, Eisfeld W, Dunseath KM, Viel A. Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024;161(1).
Weike, N., Eisfeld, W., Dunseath, K. M., & Viel, A. (2024). Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161(1). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0219156
Weike, Nicole, Eisfeld, Wolfgang, Dunseath, Kevin M., and Viel, Alexandra. 2024. “Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics”. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (1).
Weike, N., Eisfeld, W., Dunseath, K. M., and Viel, A. (2024). Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161.
Weike, N., et al., 2024. Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161(1).
N. Weike, et al., “Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, 2024.
Weike, N., Eisfeld, W., Dunseath, K.M., Viel, A.: Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 161, (2024).
Weike, Nicole, Eisfeld, Wolfgang, Dunseath, Kevin M., and Viel, Alexandra. “Hydrogen–iodine scattering. II. Rovibronic analysis and collisional dynamics”. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161.1 (2024).

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