Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings

Beznea C, Beznea L, Röckner M (2024)
Potential Analysis.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Beznea, Camelia; Beznea, Lucian; Röckner, MichaelUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
If (E,D) is a symmetric, regular, strongly local Dirichlet form on L2(X,m), admitting a carr & eacute; du champ operator Gamma, and p>1 is a real number, then one can define a nonlinear form Ep by the formula E-p(u,v)=integral(X)Gamma(u)(p-2)/(2)Gamma(u,v)dm, where u, v belong to an appropriate subspace of the domain D. We show that E-p is a nonlinear Dirichlet form in the sense introduced by P. van Beusekom. We then construct the associated Choquet capacity. As a particular case we obtain the nonlinear form associated with the p-Laplace operator on W-0(1,p). Using the above procedure, for each n-dimensional quasiregular mapping f we construct a nonlinear Dirichlet form E-n (p=n) such that the components of f become harmonic functions with respect to E-n. Finally, we obtain Caccioppoli type inequalities in the intrinsic metric induced by E, for harmonic functions with respect to the form E-p.
Dirichlet form; Nonlinear Dirichlet form; p-Laplace operator; Choquet; capacity; Quasiregular mapping; Caccioppoli inequality
Potential Analysis
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Beznea C, Beznea L, Röckner M. Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings. Potential Analysis. 2024.
Beznea, C., Beznea, L., & Röckner, M. (2024). Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings. Potential Analysis.
Beznea, Camelia, Beznea, Lucian, and Röckner, Michael. 2024. “Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings”. Potential Analysis.
Beznea, C., Beznea, L., and Röckner, M. (2024). Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings. Potential Analysis.
Beznea, C., Beznea, L., & Röckner, M., 2024. Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings. Potential Analysis.
C. Beznea, L. Beznea, and M. Röckner, “Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings”, Potential Analysis, 2024.
Beznea, C., Beznea, L., Röckner, M.: Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings. Potential Analysis. (2024).
Beznea, Camelia, Beznea, Lucian, and Röckner, Michael. “Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings”. Potential Analysis (2024).

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