Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD

Bala D, Kaczmarek O, Lowdon P, Philipsen O, Ueding T (2024)
Journal of High Energy Physics (5): 332.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Determining the type of excitations that can exist in a thermal medium is key to understanding how hadronic matter behaves at extreme temperatures. In this work we study this question for pseudo-scalar mesons comprised of light-strange and strange-strange quarks, analysing how their low-energy spectral properties are modified as one passes through the high-temperature chiral crossover region between T = 145.6 MeV and 172.3 MeV. We utilise the non-perturbative constraints satisfied by correlation functions at finite temperature in order to extract the low-energy meson spectral function contributions from spatial correlator lattice data in N f = 2 + 1 flavour QCD. The robustness of these contributions are tested by comparing their predictions with data for the corresponding temporal correlator at different momentum values. We find that around the pseudo-critical temperature T pc the data in both the light-strange and strange-strange channels is consistent with the presence of a distinct stable particle-like ground state component, a so-called thermoparticle excitation. As the temperature increases this excitation undergoes collisional broadening, and this is qualitatively the same in both channels. These findings suggest that pseudo-scalar mesons in QCD have a bound-state-like structure at low energies within the chiral crossover region which is still strongly influenced by the vacuum states of the theory.
Finite Temperature or Finite Density; Lattice QCD; Properties of; Hadrons; Thermal Field Theory
Journal of High Energy Physics
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Bala D, Kaczmarek O, Lowdon P, Philipsen O, Ueding T. Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024;(5): 332.
Bala, D., Kaczmarek, O., Lowdon, P., Philipsen, O., & Ueding, T. (2024). Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics(5), 332.
Bala, Dibyendu, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Lowdon, Peter, Philipsen, Owe, and Ueding, Tristan. 2024. “Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD”. Journal of High Energy Physics, no. 5: 332.
Bala, D., Kaczmarek, O., Lowdon, P., Philipsen, O., and Ueding, T. (2024). Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics:332.
Bala, D., et al., 2024. Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, (5): 332.
D. Bala, et al., “Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, : 332.
Bala, D., Kaczmarek, O., Lowdon, P., Philipsen, O., Ueding, T.: Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics. : 332 (2024).
Bala, Dibyendu, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Lowdon, Peter, Philipsen, Owe, and Ueding, Tristan. “Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover region of QCD”. Journal of High Energy Physics 5 (2024): 332.

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