Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses

Brandt B, Chelnokov V, Cuteri F, Endrödi G (2023) .

Preprint | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Brandt, BastianUniBi; Chelnokov, Volodymyr; Cuteri, Francesca; Endrödi, GergelyUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
In QCD at large enough isospin chemical potential Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) takes place, separated from the normal phase by a phase transition. From previous studies the location of the BEC line at the physical point is known. In the chiral limit the condensation happens already at infinitesimally small isospin chemical potential for zero temperature according to chiral perturbation theory. The thermal chiral transition at zero density might then be affected, depending on the shape of the BEC boundary, by its proximity. As a first step towards the chiral limit, we perform simulations of 2+1 flavors QCD at half the physical quark masses. The position of the BEC transition is then extracted and compared with the results at physical masses.
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Brandt B, Chelnokov V, Cuteri F, Endrödi G. Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses. 2023.
Brandt, B., Chelnokov, V., Cuteri, F., & Endrödi, G. (2023). Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2301.08607
Brandt, Bastian, Chelnokov, Volodymyr, Cuteri, Francesca, and Endrödi, Gergely. 2023. “Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses”.
Brandt, B., Chelnokov, V., Cuteri, F., and Endrödi, G. (2023). Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses.
Brandt, B., et al., 2023. Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses.
B. Brandt, et al., “Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses”, 2023.
Brandt, B., Chelnokov, V., Cuteri, F., Endrödi, G.: Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses. (2023).
Brandt, Bastian, Chelnokov, Volodymyr, Cuteri, Francesca, and Endrödi, Gergely. “Pion condensation at lower than physical quark masses”. (2023).

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