Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system

Herr S, Ifrim M, Spitz M (2024)
ArXiv: 2406.02460 .

Preprint | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
In this work we prove global well-posedness for the massive Maxwell-Dirac system in the Lorenz gauge in $\mathbb{R}^{1+3}$, for small, sufficiently smooth and decaying initial data, as well as modified scattering for the solutions. Heuristically we exploit the close connection between the massive Maxwell-Dirac and the wave-Klein-Gordon equations, while developing a novel approach which applies directly at the level of the Dirac equations. The modified scattering result follows from a precise description of the asymptotic behavior of the solutions inside the light cone, which we derive via the method of testing with wave packets of Ifrim-Tataru.
ArXiv: 2406.02460
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Herr S, Ifrim M, Spitz M. Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system. ArXiv: 2406.02460 . 2024.
Herr, S., Ifrim, M., & Spitz, M. (2024). Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system. ArXiv: 2406.02460
Herr, Sebastian, Ifrim, Mihaela, and Spitz, Martin. 2024. “Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system”. ArXiv: 2406.02460 .
Herr, S., Ifrim, M., and Spitz, M. (2024). Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system. ArXiv: 2406.02460 .
Herr, S., Ifrim, M., & Spitz, M., 2024. Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system. ArXiv: 2406.02460 .
S. Herr, M. Ifrim, and M. Spitz, “Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system”, ArXiv: 2406.02460 , 2024.
Herr, S., Ifrim, M., Spitz, M.: Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system. ArXiv: 2406.02460 . (2024).
Herr, Sebastian, Ifrim, Mihaela, and Spitz, Martin. “Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system”. ArXiv: 2406.02460 (2024).

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